Our goal is to shine a light on relevant news, updates, and discounts that are exclusive to the U.S. military service members, veterans, and their families. We are an independent, privately owned, and unbiased. USMilitary.org exists to serve you.
The content we publish is written by professional copywriters and journalists, with military and civilian backgrounds. We strive to publish up-to-date and accurate information for our readers. Content topics include:
- Global news
- Military discounts
- Updates to benefits
- Polls/Surveys
- Military news
While we occasionally accept opinion pieces (that are clearly labeled), our writers are paid professionals. We pay them with the profits generated from ads on our website. Ads also support website security, hosting, maintenance, licensing, and design. Our ad partners help keep the lights on, and we strive to provide the most relevant ads for our readers.
If you have questions or concerns about content, advertisers, or web functionality, please feel free to contact us.
Security: We are dedicated to providing a safe environment for our readers. You can learn more about our site security, and spotting scams and phishing attempts on our blog.
USMilitary.org is privately owned by a U.S. based small business, and has no affiliation (nor is it endorsed by) to the U.S. federal government, Department of Defense, U.S. Armed Forces, or U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.