President Biden has signed four new bills into law affecting veterans and their families.
He said the bills were part of America’s duty to take care of military members after they serve our country.
“We prepare those we send into harm’s way, and care for their families when they’re gone, and care for them and their families when they’re home.” Biden stated.
None of the new bills were controversial, and they passed through Congress with wide support from both sides of the aisle.
The following bills were signed into law, via KKTV:
– S. 796, “Protecting Moms Who Served Act of 2021,” addresses maternal health care for veterans.
– S. 894, “Hire Veteran Health Heroes Act of 2021,” creates a program to recruit separating Department of Defense medical personnel for VA positions.
– S. 1031 is designed to launch a study of race and ethnicity disparities when it comes to VA benefits and disability ratings.
– And S. 1095, “Colonel John M. McHugh Tuition Fairness for Survivors Act of 2021,″ requires public colleges and universities that receive G.I. Bill benefits to provide in-state tuition rates for students using the Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Assistance program.
Biden signed the new bills just weeks after the nation celebrated Veterans Day.
Lawmakers are expected to push another series of bills aimed at helping veterans as well.
Here’s more details on the bills just signed into law from Military Times:
The first bill — the Protecting Moms Who Served Act — invests $15 million in new maternity care coordination programs at VA facilities. The move requires VA officials to address gaps in care for veteran mothers as well as studies into prenatal and postpartum health.
The Hire Veteran Health Heroes Act will require VA leaders to work with Defense Department officials in helping separating troops with health care skills who apply for open medical jobs in veterans hospitals.
The Colonel John M. McHugh Tuition Fairness for Survivors Act will guarantee that children and spouses of veterans who die from service-connected injuries will get in-state tuition rates. The change is expected to affect about 150,000 surviving dependents, potentially saving them tens of thousands in higher education expenses each year.
The final measure will require the Government Accountability office to investigate potential disparities in VA benefit awards based on race and ethnicity. Past studies have indicated that minorities may receive lesser benefits or face additional obstacles to disability payouts than their white peers.
Along with a study of disability ratings fairness by race how about a study of disability ratings by service? Army and Marines get screwed over by disability ratings boards and Air Force get much larger ratings percentage per disability.
And by sex. Women receive much less than male counterparts
I disagree. My wife was mp in army, deployments under her belt and get 350 a month 10 percent. I get 100 percent for being infantry for 8 years plus. Males in the service get more cause those jobs are harder. Not saying jobs women get arnt. But look at the numbers. Males are 80+ percent of the military. Yes women have been hurt as bad as males in infantry. But that’s not the point. Point is there’s more males in the service doing more ruff work. And your MOS is a major factor. If u where admin and trying to get 100 percent or even 50 percent. Your chances are slim. What veterans don’t realize is if u don’t have documentation of a injury or what not then it’s hard. They just can’t take ur word for it. Sometimes u have to start a papper trail and. It takes time. Plus there’s so many fakes and people’s think they deserve a lot when they are just being selfish. Also people are going to fall through the cracks and not get what they deserve, just the way it is. I took me 3 months to get 100 percent. Took my wife 2 years for 10 percent, why u ask, simple… Paper trail. There wasn’t one. So she had to make one by going to the va. Etc. Takes time. And with the services I don’t see it during my years. 04-09 was marines corps and 09-12 was army. I never saw an major issue. And I say major like they don’t care. Never saw it. And all this race shit, please race has nothing to do with rating. People just need something to blame so they pull the race card. And if u have to wait a long time then I’ll get a fat check when it goes through.
So with all this said va disability takes time. It’s not perfect never will be. As nothing in this world is perfect. Just keep at it and I’ll get what YOU DESERVE, males or females or what ever color your skin is.
Yea brother your right on target
You’re absolutely correct. It’s a sad, draining process. My father went thru it (WWI) a.nd my husbnd WWII.
Your crazy or shell shocked if you don’t think Race doesn’t have anything to do with ratings.
Absolutely correct. The VA has saved my beacon a few times.
You are correct, why does the race card have to be played for everything it’s sickening. I am a disabled service-connected veteran of the Vietnam war. Race has nothing to do with getting hurt or being wounded.If you do have to wait a while I know I did you will get a nice big fat check tax free.
Hooray for you. ‘All persons are created equal…. well, unless you are Bidet (biden) and want to divide the nation into Americans and Catholics. Just remember that NO Catholic is an American.
The united states military is flooded with racism. I have delt with a barrage of racism throughout my entire military career of 10 years. It destroyed a lot of me causing pain and serious anxiety. To down play the importance of focus on race is dismissively ignorant because I know you of this. How can you not
Because of systemic racism sweetie.
That’s what most white Americans think.But it’s true and it will keep happening as long as there is That deep Hatred is not stopped being manifested on this Earth.
Bingo! Nuff Said! I’m a minority of color and color got nothing to do with rating injuries.
You are right, I served both a listed and as an officer and the only racism I saw were low performance minorities whining because they were being ask to carry their fair load.
Spot on!! When you lose a limb or a facility like an eye, or you are haunted by the ghosts of what you saw, those scars never ask what color was the skin on that lost part of a young person’s life.
It took alot longer than 3 months to get 100% disability. You have to keep working at it.
What front did you serve in? I have been trying for many years to get 100% and all I get is a runaround. I served in VietNam. I contend that those who came after me get a much better deal when filing for disability. For four years I worked with a Veterans group and helped young vets get 100% on the first try time after time. I have filed 4 times and JUST got upgraded to 90%. There is absolutely discrimination going on depending on where and when you served. Most of the younger vets I helped were just lazy shits and really did not deserve any rate of disability. No of them had really done anything or experienced anything to deserve the rating I helped them get. One guy never even got out of basic training. He was such a fuck up that his own squad members threw his ass of the repelling tower!!!!!
I have been trying since Viet Nam. Only have 60%. Drs. say I have PTSD but none of them will put it in writing.
I have been working on it for
11years in 2014 I got 130.00 for tomorrow since then got a 20.00
Raise it’s now 150.00 per month I always knew native americans
Always get the old denied letters I wish I never joined the Marines they always leave us behind and treat us like shit in the last testiment they will all pay they can all look forward to their passage to Hell don’t look to heaven it’s out of your reach
My niece went into the military in about 2012. She started at least 3 months before she joined the military. She wanted to build up her tolerance, so she would do well in basic training. She did a lot of running, sit-ups, and push-ups… About 1/2 way through basic training, she got hurt. They sent her to the Dr., and they said she had bad back issues. She was doing what the Drs., said to do, most of it was PT. She was there for almost a year, and they finally sent her home. They would not give her a DD214, they gave her a NG55? because she did not graduate from basic training. That was not her fault, and she could not get any VA benefits. Something is wrong with that. I tried to get help for her but, I was unsuccessful, she still has bad problems about 10 years later..
Took me 15 years
It took me 31 years to get 100%.
You know, the sad part of all this is that PTSD is not always recognized until it gets bad or the doctor recognizes it and brings to your attention. WW1, 2 and Korean War vets, knew not about a condition of PTSD until they were approaching retirement. This may not have been true for all these vets but I can tell you, my vet had it and you’d better not come behind him and touch him or you just might end up in the floor. A touch on his shoulder from behind would take him to the fighting mode. We were married almost 60 years prior to his death and up until his death, I never approached him from behind and would wait until he looked up and saw me before approaching him. Sounds like PTSD? Absolutely! He died with it and never received a penny as a result.
That is horrible, mine is going on 20 years at 70% now and I have and DC based Lawyer representing me on my appeal.
I used Morgan & Morgan and they got me 80%
The high instances of women experiencing military sexual trauma(MST) is reported to have increased to well over 40%. This year alone we saw a female soldier killed, dismembered, and buried on FT. Hood for reporting sexual assult. The VA has initiated programs for MST but only rates it as PTSD between 40%-70%. PTSD doesn’t cause sexual assult, sexual assualt happens, then depression, fear, anxiety (PTSD). MST should be a primary diagnosis, just like erectile dysfunction. In 2003, more than 43% of women reported being assaulted. This also happens to men, and the VA needs to step up to the plate on this disturbing issue. It’s shameful, and goes against all of OUR military codes of conduct. Compensation should be determined by set standards, not individual interpretation.
Depends on what branch,mos ,etc. There are women being placed where they shouldn’t be. Not all their fault, maybe you can get paid by the women who want a “choice”. Not codoning any type of harassment either way but being in 29 stumps for awhile showed me a lot of “harassment”examples initiated by power abusive wm’s that ruined a lot of potentially awsome careers . 170 to one?? It’s amazing what a little taunting can get an 18 year old wm. Worst part of the whole deal is they usually use some burnt out worthless e-7 or higher to do their deals for them. No mos, no pickup date for school,no grad. date,8months in, meritorious E-4 or 5..Maybe clean up that backyard first. Just saying! Otherwise semper Fi, I joined the MARINES for what they do. Don’t dog the corps for the asshole you put in office.
So true my sexual assault was called depression and awarded 70% as. The depression was caused by the sexual assault, and the anxiety, sexual disorder.
Right on
I beg to differ. My ex-husband had documents up the wassoo. It did not make a difference. He was in constant pain because he refused to allow his leg to be amputated. Repeated leg surgeries led to getting hooked on prescribed drugs…mental health issues exacerbation….hello nightmare for all. He was a 36C, wire system installer. The whole process was hard on us all. He never got to 100% disability. He was a Jamaican black male. He was medically discharged after about 8 years of service.
He should put in for unemployability with the
10 percent that will give him 100 percent. Speak to
Some one at the VA administration on how to apply for unemployability
Your situation and your case is your individual case just because what you went through and your experience dealing with VA to get your disability that is unique solely to that not everyone situation. Just because you didn’t experience the disparity that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist someone in congress must of felt there was a need to address this issue or they would have never enacted the law. I don’t know if you been following events with VA but I went to war in 03 when the war first started and when a lot of those troops came back during that era when they had a backlog over a year a well known big hospital in the state of Washington had a lot of their Dr reprimanded because they was influencing the examiners that does the C&P manipulate veterans claims so they wouldn’t get benefits and a lot of people was relieved. So just because your case results was different and handled in a different manner the system is not a one size fits all system. I deployed 4 times a seen my share of the desert and also been compensated for my sacrifice but that’s not the case for everyone so I don’t think that’s the correct language that veterans will get what they deserve when you got vets suffering from agent orange from the Vietnam era and developing cancer , opioids addiction a homelessness and 45 years later responsibility has not been fully accepted and they still trying to combat the problem. Let alone on a census basis veterans have a much higher drug addiction and homelessness rate that anyone one group of people in respect to the numbers
I was around Agent Orange in Thailand in 1975-1976 still fighting for compensation sad🥲
What about those who were wrongfully discharged for behavior issues due to their injuries.. I as at the WTB at Bragg and prior to discharge through the MEB/PEB was deemed 100% by the VA before I was discharged. The Command violated Army Regulations 600-85 and took me to court martial using RO coded UAs as evidence. AR 600-85 clearly states that RO coded UAs cannot be used against a soldier for disciplinary action or characterization of service. They threatened me with 4 years in a naval prison on the east coast, a BCD, and I would come out of prison as a convicted felon. My ASAP treatment according to AR 600-85 was supposed to have been forwarded to the VA so I could continue treatment. I suffered a parachute accident and a serious fall down a steep hill causing TBI with mood disorder, The WTB was sending me off post for psych therapy and I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder axis 1, and the VA in Winston Salem was prescribing my medications for this disorder. The Military refused to even look at the diagnosis through the MEB/PEB process. I was also deemed an ASAP failure and had the letter from the director of ASAP stating this. I was given a OTH discharge and forced into accepting a chapter 10 in lieu of court martial. Prior to this, mind you, The docs had me strung out on 22 medications at once 5 of which were narcotic and 3 or 4 psych meds. Then cut me off cold turkey and left me to go through withdraws over a four day weekend lying on my couch at home feeling like I was going to die. By the way, I was still in a wheelchair and living in my home alone because the stress was so great that my wife took the children back to Alaska to stay with her mother and get my kids out of and away from being subject to the ongoings at the WTB. Those fucks were following my children. I sat at home alone on Christmas eve and ended up setting on the edge of my bed with a 30/30 in my mouth due to the depression, the physical and emotional pain I was enduring to this point was to much to bear. I began to self medicate with alcohol and pot. Why not? Especially after the WTB turned me into a pill addict and cut me off with no warning or excuse to. That place took a model soldier and destroyed my life for trying to” do the right thing’ as it is so preached to us and in our Army values. My whole belief system was crushed and destroyed by my leadership that failed me. I have 2 terms of service one of which was under continuous honorable conditions. The VA guidelines for eligibility for benefits clearly state that if a soldier has more that one term of service, and one of those terms is under continuous honorable conditions, that soldier is entitled to 100% of their benefits. Why am I being denied and why did they also take away my health benefits as well? I have received zero benefits for the last 10 years now and am still having to fight them. Even though I have all of the documentation to prove my dispute. I keep getting the run around and its sickening. I have lost everything I worked for. My home for my wife and children, everything we owned, our vehicles, have been homeless numerous times, living in constant pain in my back and neck due to the 3 spine surgeries I had while in the service, cant hold a job, hate doctors, been through a bout with alcohol addiction and won with being sober now for 4 years, my children suffer issues mentally, my wife is trying to die on me and has no insurance, we have been married 29 years and are now separated and its looking like divorce, and all of this could have been avoided if the Army had done the right thing. I am so done getting screwed over and I am ashamed of the whole DOD and VA for allowing this to happen to any soldier out there. I am not the only one this has happened to. That makes me even more sick. I am an NCO and always will be no matter what. I put the welfare of my soldiers before my own. Its the oath of a Non-Commissioned Officer. I would still to this day serve again if I had the chance. I wasn’t made for the Army. The Army was made for me. I am an Infantryman, A Sandhill brother, I drank the Grog and ask to be “PINNED” with my rifles and my jump wings. I am a dual “snake bite” wearing fool, who would do it all over again and would not trade my time in service for love nor money. I still wake up every day “Loving The Suck” pissing Excellence and good ole Red, White and Blue, Patriotism. No one will ever drag me down again. I wont allow it. but mark my words when I go after this again…….I want someone’s balls on a platter.
I do agree that some people are trying to get over on the system. My husband and I served in the military. I did eight years active duty and my husband retired from the Army. He severed in Desert Storm and 15 months in Iraq. PTSD is real and although he looks normal on the outside, no one sees what goes on behind closed doors. Nightmares, shakes, can’t be in large crowds, and it takes him a while just to know that he’s not in Iraq. You said in your message “race has nothing to do with rating.” If you have not lived in skin of color then you don’t know what you are talking about. My husband does get 80% disability but has back, knee, and joint pain which is documented over and over again. It took you three months to get your disability and it took him three years and we filed one week after he retired.. So what reason would you give for him three years and you three months?
You sound so chauvinistic. I was a LPN in the military and so honored to serve not only active duty but those who made it possible for me to serve (our veterans). I can’t count how many times I had to help move, pick up off the floor, turn, and pick men/women three and sometimes four times my size. At times it took 4=5 women to accomplish a single task. Don’t you think after 8 years this has given women back, knee, shoulder, and feet pain? You may say we don’t have strenuous jobs but try doing it for 12 hours straight. short staffed. While on active duty, I was diagnosed with two bulging disks in my sacral area. Paper trail out the wazoo. It took your wife two years to get 10% and it took me five years to finally get 40%. You wrote about the men and women in admin trying to get 50-100% disability. Do you know what carpel tunnel is? Try doing anything without the use of your hands and see how easy its is. In other words, don’t demean what women/men do for this country. Once again, it took you three months and your wife two years….How come it took us three years and five years respectively to receive our due? Our documentation was in our records.
It’s not based on whose job is harder it depends on what injuries were sustained and how your life is impacted after the fact. Also, what medical records back up your claim is very important. It also depends on who worked on your file, some of those people are lazy and do a crappy job. The VA doesn’t want to give money out so the first rating is always way less then you should get. It’s always a good idea to appeal for a higher rating. Also, utilizing agencies like the DAV to assist your claim will often times lead to a higher rating because they know what to say and they know the VA. Saying the rating is based on race or gender is a load of crap. Maybe some of the raters are racist and sexist but just like the police force it’s the exception not the rule. People need to stop pretending everything is about race and gender. You get what you go for. I destroyed myself in the army. I broke my back and lots of other body parts while airborne. I got deployed, breathed in burn pit fumes, ran with Rucks sacks, pit all the wear and tire on my joints and had the body of a 80 year old in my 20s. I’ve had chronic pain for 20 years from my service. I’m not a man and it was hard on my body as well. I used the DAV and appealed my original award of 70% now I’m getting 100%. So, no your race or gender is not the issue. They only pay if you were physically or mentally scared and many service members are so fight for what you earned.
Not to say I don’t agree with the infantry guy. The reason men have higher rates typically is because combat arms is where the injuries happen, but it has nothing to do with gender.
Your disability is not determined by what your job was in the military, it is determined by what type of injury or disability you have received as in a person who was to lose say a limb or a traumatic brain injury their compensations would be determined by those injury’s and what the encompass as to someone let’s say developed tinnitus. The Vet with the Traumatic brain injury would have a higher disability rating than the person who developed tinnitus. The Vet who loses a limb would also be rated at a higher percentage. The type of job has no value or weight in determining the percentage of your disability. And the sex of the veteran also has no place in determining your disability rating.
Race might be some something to look at. It took me a long time to get 100 percent with getting hit with a mortar round I still don’t have my purple heart va have me 10 percent the first time second time 30 than 50 ,70,80,90, then 100 percent 4 campaigns latter .
Thank you for your sacrifice and your service, Howard‼️
I have not received mine either. Paperwork was lost and medical records are lost too.
You hit the head of the nail perfectly. Is the VA perfect no, there’s issues, you just have to be patient. It’s a process, paper trail is important you need documentation and yes you need to stay on top of it, if you rate it it’ll come and doesn’t matter you sex, color or creed.
Took me 7yrs just to get 10% for epilepsy and 8yrs to get 100%. They just want u to fight and then hope u give up. 23yrs says I didn’t give up and I fought them all the way. I got the president involved and my congressman and things started to move then.
All well and good but you didn’t say what your wife and your injuries are that got you 100% and your wife 10%. I’m a Vietnam combat 100% disabled Air Force. I was Special Ops and involved in missions that records were not kept. It took me 40 years to get my disability and there isn’t any allowance for back pay. Even though there should be. I’m working with my Congressmen to try and get this corrected. I am telling you this to show that there are many unfair circumstances to be corrected. Thank you and your wife for your service.
P.S. Combat wounded veterans must stick together. God bless you and your family and GOD bless all that serve in Jesus’ name AMEN.
I totally agree…has to be a paper trail…and if there’s no proof it happened in the military, then you can’t expect a payment!!.. but you can find things to link that sickness or problem to what you’re claiming… My husband did 32 years in the Army, I did 10 1/2 (medical).. he got 20%.. why, he had very little in his records and had to build a case, me 100% in a few years.
DAV is my rep. They work for you…others choose other agencies… Do what’s best for you..
I am a vet of 12 years and it took me 28 years to get 60 percent disability so I can understand your frustration with this process of the va thank you
350 at 10 what disability does she have
Curious, why would you begrudge anyone serving regardless of gender to receive an appropriate rating/benefit?
Your prejudice against women does not ensure our military gets the care it requires.
Agree with Perpan, race has nothing to do with it. I made sure I had every injury documented and started talking to the Va 6 months before I knew I was getting out. I made sure I went through my medical record and had each page marked that I knew they needed to look at carefully.
Good points..u r correct. 2 many flakes & wannabees trying to get what they don’t deserve.
I was in a male MOS so I feel I should get as much as the males do we go to war just like ya’ll do there is no line like it was back in the day then back in the day if you read about it women also went to war then too so don’t think because you are male you supposed to get more
Husband was at Camp Lejeune 1980-1983 during the contaminated water.
He has stage four cancer as do several of his “brothers”. His is colon/liver and not on the list.
Yet, he had all the same exposure.
I’ve been at it for a decade after 22years of service. I’m non-white and a woman. I’ve watched my White step sons sail past me gaining benefits close to mine after serving the bare minimum. Meanwhile I won’t pout specifics here but my damage is degenerative to the point I’ve endured over 20 surgeries, can’t afford meds and I’m still trying to work in any way I can to not be a burden. I was a fool to serve. Now I’m divorced and my ex has better medical and what benefits j had reduced or flat out stripped away.
If I was your wife I would slap you!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe we all have it hard,I served in marine infantry, broke my foot in boot camp, and tiba 2x in fleet, in training explosion ,not counting racial assaults for being hispanic,lose of my oldest son,taking pills for anthrax ,and not knowing what they are,and can’t even get my service connected stuck with a pension is doing worse than helping, lost medical records and service records book ,sucks and they can never find them
My father served in WWII, did not get any of the veterans benifits afterwards…The race thing is true. History tells us that and my dad’s personal experience. He was a Seabee in the Asian side of the war. Always talked about how snippers would shoot at them while they were trying to do construction. I guess that would be considered hazardous.
You are absolutely correct on this. I know men with less issues than me recieving 100% and I have several issues and have been fighting with the va since 1996 I’m still only get 90% even though I’ve had drs say I should be at 100% based on my issues
I agree. I was a crew chief on KC-135’s. When I hurt my back on duty, they sent me to be psych evaled because we all know women’s problems are all in their head. They wouldn’t have treated a man that way. And if his back strength was cut in half due to the injury, he’d get a lot more than 10%.
I’m a white middle aged Army veteran who has been unemployable since 2010. I was approved for social security disability based on a diagnosis due to my service connected injuries. However, I have been fighting bureaucratic bullshit since 2012 when I filed for unemployability through the VA. After numerous claims that have gone no where and expired due to no new evidence, denial for worsening conditions, denial for mental health conditions due to my service connected injuries while in treatment with the VA and being accused of over reporting my symptoms, not giving new information and unrelated to my service I am yet again being screwed over by the VA. But wait; there are 18-20 year old soldiers being put out with 100% disability ratings for mental health and other ridiculous complaints and being paid enormous amounts of money. But I can’t even get a fair date with the VA board????? What a bunch of shit.
I always find it interesting who gets higher benefits vs. those that don’t. My husband is a Viet Nam vet, snipper and gets 10%. Served 2 tours, was in agent orange, has had 3 heart attacks (quad by-pass), and 2 strokes, yet that is all he can get. Sad oh so sad.
You might want to check your facts. As an A&P Mechanic women make about 12% more than men simply because they are women and companies need the diversity.
And by sex, females consitute far less in numbers, there fore it is reasonable to assume there will be less officers of the same grade etc. A female captain make the same as her male counter part. Go figure!!
If you think that is bad you should try being in my shoes! I was in the Top Secret US ARMY Special Forces Super Soldier Training Program I died 8 times during my service all together! The program was a top secret intertwining of Special Forces and CIA to create Super Human Soldiers! none of the times I died was I allowed to go to the General Wood Hospital when I came back to life, I was only allowed to go to the hospital 1 time and that was after being forced to run 10 miles while having 1,246 lbs. laying across my shoulders and strapped to my back my feet and ankles went out in mile 4 we had to run the 10 miles in under 15 minutes, when my feet and ankles went out Staff Sergeant Palmer ran back to me and began kicking me and screaming at me to get my a$$ up and keep running, I was refused my right to seek medical attention until later that night when my feet and ankles were swelled to 3 times their normal size and turning black and blue from infection! I went to see the podiatrist and found out that I had a total of 28 stress fractures 7 in each foot and 7 in each ankle! My medicine was taken away from me by Staff Sergeant Palmer because he was he was afraid it might interfere with all of the lab experiment they were feeding us! All of my military records are classified and labeled top secret by the CIA! So I went through absolute hell on Earth and my body was destroyed in every conceivable way but I do not get the 100% disability rating I deserve and earned! Instead I get screwed at every turn because my training was labeled top secret!
Did u chose to be involved in all that test ing? If so then that’s on you, not the va. If it bothers u that much then go public with it. U can do it using ur real name or send off the facts unknown like anonymous.
No I did not volunteer! I found out the hard way that I scored too high on the ASVAB Test and if you score too high you have no choice Special Forces Chooses you and they do not like smart people at all they only want to kill them! -1 total!
They only take volunteer’s and if you can’t cut it you are released into another unit or allowed to leave the service. If you really had that type of experience and were forced int to some top-secret unit of special forces and have a legitimate claim, go forward with it get the information out there so it doesn’t happen to another innocent. Sue the government to make all your records public knowledge and fight for your disabilities. When ever leaving a branch of the military you are given a form to fill out requesting your records be scoured over and every little thing that ever happened to you while in the military is to be investigated and rated, even a broken fingernail can be included whatever rating each item gets including items given a zero rating if they become more sever as you go on in life can be reevaluated. But you have to be the one who request this to be done before you separate from the military, the sad fact is most people who are separating do not request this or turn this process down completely out of ignorance, it becomes much harder to receive the correct rating and you defiantly have to fight harder to get what you deserve.
As a special forces MARINE I know what you’re going through. It took 15 years for someone to get off their ass and find my records. Remember, your psychiatrist can aggressively request to see anything they want!
Semiper Fi!
My Problem is that the CIA Has everything the ARMY Does not even know I even served! Every 2 years my VA records are wiped clean by the CIA as well!
Please save the satire for open mike night
Sounds like bs. You had 1,246lbs strapped to your back. Then had to run 10 miles. So Bret, i dont want to say you are lying. But it doesn’t sound right
You sound like a BSer to me.
I disagree. My wife was mp in army, deployments under her belt and get 350 a month 10 percent. I get 100 percent for being infantry for 8 years plus. Males in the service get more cause those jobs are harder. Not saying jobs women get arnt. But look at the numbers. Males are 80+ percent of the military. Yes women have been hurt as bad as males in infantry. But that’s not the point. Point is there’s more males in the service doing more ruff work. And your MOS is a major factor. If u where admin and trying to get 100 percent or even 50 percent. Your chances are slim. What veterans don’t realize is if u don’t have documentation of a injury or what not then it’s hard. They just can’t take ur word for it. Sometimes u have to start a papper trail and. It takes time. Plus there’s so many fakes and people’s think they deserve a lot when they are just being selfish. Also people are going to fall through the cracks and not get what they deserve, just the way it is. I took me 3 months to get 100 percent. Took my wife 2 years for 10 percent, why u ask, simple… Paper trail. There wasn’t one. So she had to make one by going to the va. Etc. Takes time. And with the services I don’t see it during my years. 04-09 was marines corps and 09-12 was army. I never saw an major issue. And I say major like they don’t care. Never saw it. And all this race shit, please race has nothing to do with rating. People just need something to blame so they pull the race card. And if u have to wait a long time then I’ll get a fat check when it goes through.
So with all this said va disability takes time. It’s not perfect never will be. As nothing in this world is perfect. Just keep at it and I’ll get what YOU DESERVE, males or females or what ever color your skin is.
My dad is army lost his leg in Korea. The other leg has 3 inch pc of bone missing but bones have healed together. He is now bed bound and not able to walk and only gets 50% disability. Loss of limb should be more than 30 percent rating. Please help. Betsy dugan. 352/263-1423 or [email protected]
Loss of lower limb is 40%. Each limb is separate. If you get a knee replacement it is considered a loss of lower limb. I have had a knee replacement service connected and read the VA qualifications for a knee replacement. Know that I need a hip replacement on the other leg. I will find out what the VA is going to do about it. I have several medical conditions affecting me now. Just because of a knee injury in the AF. While serving my 2nd knee surgery was screwed up by a Navy Surgeon. It was not found out for years. When I chose to get out on a maternity discharge. And went to the VA to apply for benefits I found out that I was pending a Medical Discharge. I was immediately given 10%. I never pursued the military discharge because I was out and don’t think I can.
I got out in 1987. I had been told I needed a knee replacement but was too young. I was 26. I was told that I had to be 40. I found private insurance also said I have to be 40. So I went through 14 knee surgeries from 1997-2001 getting my knee repaired. My Surgeon even put me in front of insurance pleading for my knee replacement. Was turned down. The month before I turned 40 I was granted my knee replacement. All those years did a toll on my back and other leg and hips.I was granted 40% left knee replacement
10% right knee
10% lower back
Since I can’t work because the damage of having to wait has caused nerve damage. I had a desk job that let me go because I had to take pain meds.
I can’t walk but maybe 50 feet before my back is in so much pain. I have been granted 60% unemployable which pays at the 100% rate. I am still waiting on my right knee replacement and right hip replacement. Because I have had to have another left knee replacement. Which has been causing problems ever since I received it in 2010. They found out it was put in crooked. And I had to get it revised. But they can’t straighten it because they can’t redrill it.
I’m told that I need to get everything increased. Because it is documented already that the injuries are service connected because my left knee injury caused the other injuries.
I’m an Air Force veteran that has been fighting over twenty years for compensation from a service connected disability. Don’t know what criteria is used for taking care of veterans . Unfortunately there is a lot of disparity, whether it’s branch of service, race, or gender, something definitely needs to be seriously addressed.
Well I have seen a lot of ARMY individuals talking to others in ARMY about how to get higher ratings…. same individual was saying he got 100% etc…. When visual and physically he seem fine…:: I know there are other hidden sickness.. still shouldn’t be discussing that out in the open…. What I seen so far with VA it’s all about documentation and ensure it’s service connected and that’s for all branch of services.
Hill 861 wounded veteran…Took 40 years to obtain 80% rating….
The air force is deserving on more, after all they are the ones who bail the marines out of a jam. Marines are over rated.
Dear Richard Hamill,. I’m a Disabled Marine Veteran and Missing both of my Feet and still waiting for Disability Rating! I Agree that Air Force get better Disability Ratings! Unless you’re a General’s son or Daughter! But President or Vice don’t have our Problems,. Wars are fought by Poor People or 3rd rate People.
Forgot to say Who I am! Fifth Generation American Indian and wished I had a Four Star General Father to get My 100% but in reality I have No One to Tell My Story!
I know what you mean, I was labeled Super Human by both Special Forces and CIA Standards on Nov. 22nd 1991! That was so far beyond challenging it wasn’t funny I ran a mile with no weight in 48 seconds while having the most insane looking body on planet Earth! 26 inch unflexed 32 inch flexed biceps with a 24 inch waist and less than 2% body fat and 38 inch thighs! People would make fun of me at a distance because I had to walk with my legs spread wide but when they got closer to me they got very quiet until they passed by then you would hear them say my god I wouldn’t want to piss of that big son of a B! I was clocked on radar running the mile at 62 miles per hour literally as fast as a cheetah! I was able to jump over a 6 foot tall wall without touching it and was able to change how my muscles worked to be able to become a master of 7 forms of martial arts 1 being nin-jitsu! The CIA used my platoon as their personal version of wal mart when they needed an assassin for a crap job! They never paid you for anything but always came running when they had a suicide mission they needed performed!
I learned a whole lot of things in the program I was in but it was not worth the absolute destruction of my body to do it or the warping of my DNA to make me bigger, stronger and Faster! It is very hard to keep the rage that fueled me in the military under control in the civilian world! The VA doctors are starting to see mass rising in my anger at them screwing me over constantly! Cardiology department put me on pain medicine and a regular doctor immediately discontinued the pain medicine! Faulty defib was put in my chest without my consent and when it went off 5 times in a row and burned up the safety device in it that sets the maximum voltage at 60,000 volts then hit me 2 more times at 118,000 volts the 5 times was within 5 minutes then they refuse to take the pile of crap out of my chest because they say it may save my life some day! Anyone would be upset!
Couldn’t agree more. As a Veteran with a Service Connection, I see it all over. It’s not the system. It’s how the system is being used
I served in the most messed up platoon of Special Forces on planet Earth! Died a total of 8 times all together while serving, but was never allowed to go to the hospital for any reason besides the time my feet and ankles were destroyed from being forced to run 10 miles while carrying 1,246 lbs in under 15 minutes my time was 13 minutes and 48 seconds even though I destroyed my feet and ankles in mile 4 and was kicked in the ribs repeatedly while Staff Sergeant Palmer screamed at me to get my a$$ up and keep running because we were being timed! I had to continue with all weight still on my body! The platoon was labeled US ARMY Special Forces Super Soldier Training Program! It was an intertwining of Special Forces and the CIA to create Super Human Soldiers! Labeled Super Human by both Special Forces and CIA standards on Nov. 22nd 1991! I have been nothing but screwed over at every turn by both Special Forces and the CIA!
And we’re supposed to believe that you had to run 10 miles with over half a ton strapped to your shoulders and the back of your legs. Tell me. Can you even lift 1246 pounds? Sounds to me like you qualify for a mental problem.
One thing I will say about disability ratings. I’m at 80%. When I left the army in 69 I had put in for a hearing loss. It was denied. Finally in 2010 they fit me with hearing aids but because of the way they do the ratings it was denied. Since I’m at 80%, which leaves 20%, they figure hearing loss would be 10% but they multiply that by the 20% left, which is 2%, less than 5% so they drop it.
My husband or probably served in the United States Marine corps reserve and also in the United States army he served during Vietnam war time he was training to go to Vietnam in the Marine corps reserves at Camp lejeune and in just a copious amounts of the contaminated drinking water which has been found to cause multiple kinds of reproductive cancers will my husband ended up with prostate cancer also he was a supply clerk and had to handle agent white green blue orange purple brown whatever the f*** all of them are and he still hasn’t got compensation for that yet he is dead now he died from widespread double pneumonia which he caught while he was in the VA for 5 months while they screwed with its medication caused him to his heart to break down and caused him to gain a massive amount of weight which was too much for his heart and his body to handle the VA put him out on January the 6th he died less than 24 hours later in a hotel room and the corner lied on his death certificate saying that he died of a cute heroin abuse now when you’re in a hotel room it’s treated as if it’s a crime scene homicide the detective and the crime scene technicians the forensic experts said there was absolutely no indication whatsoever that he was abusing heroin mind you my husband had cancer and was prescribed oxycontin so now the corners duplicit in this so that I only get surviving spouse benefits at $824 a month nobody can freaking live off that when I deserve because my husband was at least 30% service-connected disability $4,000 a month plus health Care Plus dental everything I’m supposed to be given everything because he served this country and they keep digging me around and lying and doing nasty s*** that nobody’s willing to stand up to him and and improve that they’re doing this s*** I need some help God damn we need to get together and do something about this Marines and army deserve the highest because we’re the ones first in and last out that being said they purged his medical record removed the fact that he’s 30% in service connected or above and when he was in the VA hospital for 5 months for PTSD he was 100% service connected and he died from widespread double pneumonia that he caught in the VA he was fine and healthy when he went in they’re not taking responsibility for that either also they’re just been smoking his name and his good record and it it pains me that they would do this to the people that serve them so loyally and so faithfully and I don’t understand that the only thing that’s going to save my ass on the service connection is we got 100% Aiden attendance for 6 years as soon as he was found to be service connected so I don’t know what to do I don’t know any lawyers that will take it and it’s been over it’s been 7 years since he passed I thought it was just like 3 years and I looked at it and I realized it’s been seven and I was absolutely horrified so yeah I know what you’re going through and yes what you said is absolutely true I’m a widow I’m out here in the world by myself I was kidnapped sexually trafficked financially exploited for the past year I finally escaped from those people and nobody did anything to help me when I tried to report it so I just can’t even begin to imagine what’s going on in the military cuz you know they cover up s*** all the time
I’m a USAF vet I get nothing.
My husband deserves more than 10% and he was Air Force ☹️
I ve been trying to apply for disability for injuries I obtain while in the Air Force.
For one thing there are missing medical files from my medical records to prove my claim.
If you don’t have an extensive paper trail you’re getting denied no matter what branch you served. The VA wants you to prove beyond any doubt that you deserve that rating. I’m paid at 100 but rated at 70 because I’m total unemployability. Took me 5 years from date I first applied in 2016. Started with 30%. I kept appealing, asking for higher review and lastly filing for total unemployability. Took 6 months to get my approved for total unemployability and also I had filed a new claim and a higher review claim. Approved on the higher review and total unemployability. Denied on new claim.
This is true My late husband died of agent orange before they new what agent orange will do to people but they sprayed it anyway my late husband sprayed these chemicals and died and no one cared Juanita Hatton
What does the veteran have to do to be represented proper they try to bury my case for 22 years even though a screw broke in my back that they even implanted and they take no responsibility when I had it removed and replaced by another hospital they claimed that it wasn’t their responsibility or their fault yet I found records that they were buying substandard medical equipment they seem to wanna bury it and wait for me to die what can I do about it when the representation I have seems to be working with the VA to cover it up
What is Veterans supposed to do when the representative who is supposed to help you seems to be working with the VA to cover it up
I’m An Honorably Retired U.S. Air Force Veteran And A 60% V.A. Certified Disabled Veteran Who Served 25+ Years (Vietnam Past Desert Storm). I Also Am A Retired Veterans Rep Who Served With The Department Of Labor. I Also Have Served As A Vice-Commander Of My D.A.V. Pist And Am An Active American Legion And VFW Member. As Such In My Capacity, I Want To Highly Dispute The So-Called ‘P.C.’ Thought-Process That Promulgated This Bill Signed By The Occupier OUR White House To ‘Investigate’ The ‘Disparities’ In Racial/Ethnicity In V.A. Disability Awards As Being ‘Biased’ In Favor Of White Veterans Versus ‘Others’!. AU CONTRAIRE – What I’ve Observed In Recent Decades Is 100% The Opposite! I Am Appalled At This EVIL Thought Process Of Relegating WASP Veterans To ‘The Back Of The Bus’ That Is Undeniably Resulting In Blatant Reverse Discrimination Against Veterans Such As Myself!!! I Dare Say That There Are Way More Blacks Who Are Allotted 100% Disability Than Whites/Caucasians And Challenge Anyone To Try To Disprove My Accusation, Rather Than Misconstrue Statistics To Lie And Sweep The Truth Under The Rug!!!
BEWARE – WE, THE PEOPLE Are Going To Take OUR Country Back From You EVIL Leftists Who Are Hell-Bent On Destroying OUR Country, Giving It Away And Turning It Into A Third-World CrapHole!!!
i was in air force i got 70% in which the so called has been drs or paid to say what the goverment says i was a little better so cut my rate to 50@now i cant talk throat cancer, lung cance and all you damn rich assesss dont give 1 dried apple dam. with all ya’l done to us is use us and said get fucked try me i’ll show you
I know exactly what you mean! The program I was forced into by Special Forces used my body as a lab rat to try to create bigger, stronger and faster humans for their Super Human Soldier Experiment! It totally changed my DNA and screwed my body up in so many ways it is not funny!
Sure I became the biggest, strongest and fastest human ever trained by the US Military but the cost of what else it did to my body was not worth it at all! Massively enlarged heart, etc.
But since the CIA has my file instead of the ARMY the VA cannot access any information at all about my service! Which really sucks! I cannot even get a copy of the Brigade Gym security camera video of me humiliating Liar of WWF/WWE Wrestling fame Mark Henry in a 1 on 1 weightlifting contest ordered by General Mccolaczek of Special Forces!
How can you determine that there are way more African-American men and women getting 100% VA benefits vs. White men and women? Please provide your statistics. This term “reverse discrimination” tickles me.
🤔🤔🤔 interesting question
I served for 23 in NAVY before retiring in 1993 was rated at 40% but when I tried to get higher rating thru VFW Representative and they didn’t tell me that the VA could reduce my disability which they did dropped to 20% seven years ago. My brother retired from AIR FORCE and got rated at 100%.
I retired after 20y 1 mo and 15d from the Navy and it took me 4 tries to get 100%. Have someone review your medical record to see if you have any additional disabilities and keep applying.
Mmmm 🤔🤔🤔 interesting question
Get a life. You are not jacked around like you think you by any of the government. I am a disabled vet, and have been treated very fairly!!!!!!!
with you Wanda
I am in agreement. I have had filed a disability along with PTSD since 2011. My case has yet to be heard by the VA. In 2015 I was awarded a 10% disability then in 2019 they up it to 30%. My attorney believes that it should be 100%. We are still waiting for the VA board to look at my case.
The VA indicates that I wasn’t on active duty when I abstain several injuries and a good friend of mine died in the same incident. I had an LTC write a letter confirming that I was on active duty and the VA still denies that I was on active duty. I personally don’t trust the VA because I have been lied to and they also called me and asked me if I would drop my attorney from my case because they said that I would receive more money.
Whenever someone doesn’t get something they feel deserve always plays The Race Card . I guess I’m one those Black soldiers receiving 100% Disability. I tried the first time without any legal assistance and was denied. I then hired a Attorney Sylvia Strom in Asheville NC and the first thing she said is obtain as much paperwork backing my claim . I then went to Family Dr, Veterans Hospital, 201 files is where the proof for a service connection. I went to my heart doctor at the VA and he looked at my records and he got on his computer and My records stated that I was discharged with High Blood pressure and wasn’t placed on medication. in 1991 I was discharged from The Army after serving 4 years 7 months and 3 days at Ft Bragg and 2 years National Guard. In 2017 I had a heart attack and actually flat lined in hallway on the way to surgery and they stopped right there and I can remember yelling Am Im getting ready to die and I really didn’t know why I was yelling but every time they hit me with electricity from those paddles it made me yell out. I have had a heart attack and 2 strokes and the VA will allow me to work around 10 to 12 hrs per week non physical work. I worked in factory my whole life and I didn’t finish college to get a desk job. I have a heart device implant
Currently and if my heart started racing doing physical work it starts shocking. I have gout really bad and hurt non stop both knees,Big Toes, Elbows, hands have burst from pressure and I not whining about it either because I have had gout since 27 and I’m 53 now. I used to limp inside factory and limp out and people would say Mark I don’t know how you do it and my reply was I have two kids at home that depends on me financially so I must work so we can have something to eat every night. I would actually rather be working just for the interaction with friends. My daughter has paid tuition at East Carolina because of my 100 % rating and we moved from Canton North Carolina in the Blue Ridge Mtn to Greenville NC and we hate it here it’s crowded, unfriendly people, smart asses, worst driving ever and was actually easier to drive in New York City .I wish you the best and hope you Get your rating. May God Bless You !
Mark A Walker
“BEWARE – WE, THE PEOPLE Are Going To Take OUR Country Back From You EVIL Leftists Who Are Hell-Bent On Destroying OUR Country, Giving It Away And Turning It Into A Third-World CrapHole!!!”
This guy needs help. Seriously! He lives in a fantasy world of “EVIL Leftists” and thinks that he is “WE, THE PEOPLE”. I ‘spose he also thinks that middle of the roader Joe Biden is one of those ‘evil leftists’ and that Donald Trump will protect him from them.?
I never met an American who was to the left of me when I was in college and after two years there I served 3 years in the US Army and fought in Korea. Returning, I use the GI Bill to finish college at Ohio State and go to grad school at Yale for three years. I know of noone who fits Mr. Grooms description even after working for 40 years, much of it with the labor movement, the rest with college students and my community. Harry
Are you serious? The current occupier of the White House is a “middle of the roader”? Your hero Biden is either a full blown socialist or an imbecile and should have his brain waves monitored. Your own description of your background certifies that you are a one of the supporters of the movement to make America into one more of the mediocre countries on Earth.
The former president is a fascist and will go down in history as a traitorous insurrectionist criminal grifter and a cowardly draft dodger.
Sources and facts or u r just full of hate and jealousy.
#PedoBidenDruggieSonHunter !?
I am so sorry. But you went off on a tangent that had nothing to do with getting help from the Veterans Administration! Topic isn’t about political party affiliation, leftists or race issues! Not the place for it. There are people who have honorably and faithfully served this country who are now being denied basic health care and compensation which they have EARNED!!! Wrong platform!!
What about separated Service members who were discharged with an OTH that through discharge, it damaged their mental and long term health and don’t qualify for all benefits that are supposed to be on a “case by case” basis. These are unanimously always denied and an discharge upgrade will always be denied too. Meaning their helpless. Seems to me, these Vets are the ones that are homeless or not mental stable and have no capable means.
False I have a. Oth never had a problem I get 100 percent service connected disability.
Wow! You have a problem!
I would really appreciate that when a veteran, be male or female reports a sexual abuse case happening during AIT or any other period of their tour with the military, be taken seriously. It takes so much for anyone to admit to being sexually abused, it’s like telling your deepest darkest secret to a total stranger or the world, really, really difficult. Each situation is different with the exception of the abusive, the power play by the abuser.
Unfortunately, that only applies to women who are harassed in such manners. As a man I was harassed by other men (thanks to Bill Clinton) and women during my tour. Some of them high ranking… My complaints were swept under the rug and nothing was done other than being issued a stern shut the hell up!
I know many non-white people who have fewer issues with their health than I do. These people have, without delay or trouble, receive 80-100 % disability ratings. I have been in a circus that knowingly and willingly, and sometime I believe with malicious intent, places me on a merry go round of need more proof…its not documented etc. This is ridiculous as our government knows that we vets have been exposed to toxins on bases, at our duty sections, and in theater. They have also used us as human guinea pigs with their experimental jabs posing as vaccines such as the Anthrax vaccine, which has caused incalculable damage to thousands of our men and women in uniform; including myself. The local VA has neglected to document health issues I have had since 2008. There are serious and complete omissions since 2010 and I chalk that up to the quality of medical personnel they are hiring. Non-Whites are not being discriminated against in this country…. It is the white males who are being silenced, railroaded, and discriminated against. This practice comes strait out of Saul Alinsky. By the way Trump WON 2020… he is still the president of the 1776 Republic which makes anything Joe “the sniffer” Biden signs null and void!
“Non-Whites are not being discriminated against in this country…. It is the white males who are being silenced, railroaded, and discriminated against. This practice comes strait out of Saul Alinsky. By the way Trump WON 2020… he is still the president of the 1776 Republic which makes anything Joe “the sniffer” Biden signs null and void!
Anothe one living in his own head. Wake up and smell the coffee my friend, Trump should be behind bars for trying to overthrow the government.
December 6 insurrection was made up to blame Trump. Thank you Nancy Pelosi .. your day is coming..you’ll look good in Orange.!!!
The VA creates fraud and then blames the veteran, they suck. An administrative arm of the government that has no clue what the reality is like. I need to be in bed by 2100 and live with a caregiver (unpaid) who deserves a sex life that I cannot deliver. She deserves a salary and I am no a fraud! The VA established my rate then blamed me! We need a functional bureaucracy not pencil pushers! Put a functional veteran as head!
So White Men are being discriminated against-What a joke-I guess those ass-holes who are yelling that and calling the -so-called Leftists Evil-are among the Trump butt kissers who stormed the Capital on January 6-These assholes were racists and bigots while they were in the military and still. If you read anything or listened to anything other than that Fox News(tucker carson) -hannity) BS -you would know what’s really going on. The Jan 6 terrorists and all their sympathizers-including that butthole-Gen Flynn should be tried as traitors.
Hello there, I am a veteran of 20-plus years. When some of you out there said “Racism” does not exit within the “Decision making Process”, please wake up and smell the coffee. I know of a “white man” living about 1/2 mile from me been in the marine for about eight years, got out and work for about 20-something years, got out and retired, received retirement pay, claim his whatever injuries that he had in his 6-plus year, got a knee replacement paid for by the VA and get his 100- percent. Somebody can tell me if it’s been fair for other non-white veterans. It’s seems like the old saying if (you’re white: you’re right) still plays a part when it come making decision. Think about folks if it’s fair. All I know the (General Accounting Office) GAO needs to take a close look to some of these veterans Frauding the system. It is Pitiful, disgusting, n shameful.
Vietnam Vet. Honorable Discharge on Feb. 1967 after time in Vietnam. Symptoms of PSTD developed after service in the Army. Heart attack and open heart surgery and stroke in 1993. PTSD symptoms continually increase after 1993. First filed for disability in 2010 and was given a 10% disability. Worsening symptoms had me reapply in 2016 for additional benefits using the same information provided the VA in 1993. This time (remember, using the same information as in 1993 (seven years prior) FINALLY changed the VA’s opinion(s) and seven years later, and provided me with an 80% rating and is paying me at 100% do to being unemployable.
By using the same information both times I applied, getting a rating of 10% in 2010 upped it to 80% in 2016, didn’t make much sense based on exactly the same information I provided in possible means I should have received the 80% disability back in 2010. The difference of disability pay from 10% in 2010 to the 80% received beginning in 2016 surely amounts to many thousands of dollars I did not receive.
Should I just accept this as “this is just what they do and can get away with?” This all started with my application for benefits back in 2010, did not get amended until 2016 based on identical information. And its now 2021, nearly 2022. Just chalk it up to “tough luck”?
What about us Vietnam Vets that served in Thailand that have been fighting the VA for benefits from Agent Orange Exposure. I have 4 of the symptoms and have been denied 3 times. Just waiting for us to die out!!
All the RACE B.S. needs to stop! Nobody is choosing to give or not give benefits due to race, either you earn it, need it or you don’t! This Administration is dividing everyone including Vets!
I am a widow of a VietNam veteran. My husband was 100% disabled due to PTSD. We went to the VA in 1979 because he getting abusive to me and my son. He was sent there by his doctor. He was denied after he did all test. Not one doctor declared his dis ability. He was also wounded he was denied for his injuries. He went to meetings to help his nightmares and anger, was hospiatalized because he became homicidal and suicidal. We went back to the VA and denied any care or benifit. I was even told by one of the legal aids to take a baseball bat to my husband if he gets abusive..very professional RIGHT. My husband did not go back for years. My therapist in 2003 sent him back to the VA for evaluation because he said he wanted to die. After 3 years and giong a Veterans Outreach center. He finally was diagnosed with PTSD. But they only paid him for 3 yrs back pay and all those previous years from 1979-2003 he was suffering with PTSD. I do not think that is fair to him or the family. Because the lived thru the PTSD also. In 201t5 my husband passed away with lung cancer caused by contact with Agent Orange. I receive a pension of 1300$ compared to his pension of over 3000$. Dieing from Agent Orange does not count when it comes to a widows pensuon and I do not agree. I lived 46 years with my husbands PTSD which also affected my children there should be more benefits or compensation for all those years. He was in the Army infantry
I am leaving this message not that I am against the person I am mentioning, only the situation. First, I have worked for the army, navy and airforce and was a contract worker for the federal government. I worked darn hard, but no one recocognizes this since I was not in the service. Not right! I know a girl who went in the service and supposedly her knees couldn’t take the pressure of marching, etc. She was let go but now receives a huge amount in VA benefits. She had a baby and now child is supported until 21?. How can someone who hasn’t even spent a year in the service get all this money? She paid cash for a house. Supported a spouse for a while and now a baby, plus her care is free forever. I ask myself why can’t a hard working person like myself get any benefits when the government was as much a part of my life as hers. She has had no surgery, nothing that would indicate to me that she deserves hundred of thousands of dollars and I don’t. Some times I don’t think these cases are looked at fairly.
My fellow veterans, I feel your pain, but don’t let the pain and stress you have continue to separate us. In my opinion all veterans should be treated with respect and support for their willingness to serve and protect our country,and that includes access to unlimited health care, as long as the individuals are honorably discharged from service. As long you disagree amongst each other, the more we widen the gap that should unite us. We are all in the service of our country, and our government should acknowledge that by allowing all veterans to be cared for in the manner that shows their appreciation for the sacrifices that comes with duties of protecting and maintaining our democracy.
Why are the collaborators (Afghans,Vietnamese,Irockies etc.)to our miltary effort in their country treated better than our Veterans. Upon their arrival to America they are set up with housing, transportation, financial, and medical. But the veterans have to fight for what they were promised when they signed up.
run 10 miles in under 15 minutes. get you lies straight flash gordon
I am former USAF, white, with 2 Vietnam service tours. It does take time, perseverance, and documentation to receive a fair VA disability compensatory rating. I suggest joining and using DAV services. Sexual Assault and rape should be a death penalty offense. The victims are scarred for life. Every relationship is difficult, for life. Race is not an issue I have seen with A ratings. I have helped many veterans get rated and all were rated fairly, regardless of race.
They are just dragging the race card and Women titles to further seperate individuals for political purposes as they have done with our society as a whole.
Now they are separating our children from parents utilizing the public education system or National School Boards or Teachers Unions. Sad.
No one can be in two places at one time, therefore, those who comment that they know for certain that there is no racism or sexism associated with VA ratings are way off tack. When you can truly say that you’ve walked in snot persons shoes (experiencing racism and sexism), then you can partially state your case. I am a so-called “Black” and a female Veteran who served over 20 years, retired, and after 10 years of filing received 100 disability. I can say from personal experience that there is racism and sexism in the military, as well as going through the VA process. I know this because I’ve dealt with these types in people, and these types of people and they’re values, principals, and interests don’t change from organization to organization.
For those of you who think you need to take your country back, remember that you cannot, cannot, cannot take something back that was never yours from the onset. Just because you stole a nation, doesn’t make it yours after a couple hundred years have passed. It’s still theft. We, the true American Indians need to make things right, so that these types of discussions don’t continue. There would be no race card to pull if the deck of race cards hadn’t been created and stacked against us true Americans (the Aboriginal/Indigenous people of America- not Caucasians/so-called white people).
I’m not stating this to be mean or insulting, just to state the truth.
In the nearly 235 year history of the US (Union) Army, only approximately 15 years have been peaceful or without war. Most of those wars were against the Aboriginal Americans (Indian) in the taking of our land. I am not referring to the Native Americans, who are displayed as the Indians but the Aboriginal Americans that have been misnomered as Black, Colored, African American etc…. Don’t believe me but look up the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary of American, “AMER’ICAN, noun A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.”
So, again can you take back something that was taken from the Aboriginal People of the land in the first place? Do some research and leave the emotions on the psychological battlefield of your egos and go with truth.
Really???? I can’t believe you actually think that we woman veterans who served and did our time in Iraq don’t deserve the same as men!!!! Shame on you! Woman have died just like LIKE men have!!! SMDH
I see nothing in these four bills that helps the majority of our veterans. These are little specific sub-groups and studies. Big deal! What about treating our veterans at least as well as we treat illegals who cross the border! ? We don’t. What about veterans living on the street? That shouldn’t happen. What about those with disability claims that sit out there for years and years without a determination? My husband is in that boat. It is terrible. He hasn’t been able to work for years. He’s been trying to work through the system for a very long time, and he is just now getting some results. Pitiful! Yet our illegals get benefits immediately when they have never paid a penny in taxes.
And through all of this, Medicare dollars are being “borrowed” when the program’s insolvency is coming very fast. NO ONE should get Medicare who didn’t pay into it. And our government is printing the middle class’s life away, destroying our retirements and reducing our quality of life for now and the future. It is horrific.
Let’s deal with the big issues, and put Americans first!!! Especially those who have paid taxes, served their country, and contributed.
What about Agent Orange benefits for Thai Vets who were not on the perimeter. I am on dialysis for esrd caused by type 2 diabetes and had a leg amputated.
The racism is true their own department of VA affairs has documented the despairites in claims and percentage, that’s why Biden called for the study They not going to do anything about it but to say we looked at it. They know it and been knowing it
This site is Great !——-Love seeing so many Veterans
There shouldn’t be ANY inequality among Everyone that Served.
In Combat and on Operation, there is no Difference of Race, color or origin. —There is in Gender however and That Discrimination goes back to Adam and Eve ?
Some things take Millenia to Change !
I see my post was removed and within minutes of posting. WHY? To much truth and Candor?
Why doesn’t the VA work on getting dental work included for our honorably discharged veterans? “Everyone” needs dental work at some period. We served honorably and should be compensated for our sacrifice.
Amen, bro, when we entered the Air Force in 1953 it was at $91.30! The disparity in salary was to be compensated for by V/A benefits. I was promoted to E5 in order to entice me to re-up but I wanted to get my education on the GI bill as promised. These days you can get your degree while still in the service. What can I say? Generally, the V/A has been good. But now I’m coming up on 90 and the dental department won’t even look in my mouth for evaluation! They say I had to have been in a war zone to qualify! Turns out I was in Morrocco during their revolution. Our GIs were being murdered there. (I was TDY) But they won’t even talk to me about it. I need teeth badly and can’t afford it. And I can’t see going in debt for teeth when I might not even live another year or two!!!
We all went wherever we were ordered. No one told us that if we didn’t go to Korea we would not be eligible for dental care. So there’s that od word “discrimination” popping its head up again! Something needs to be done about it!!!
I was in the Army for 10 yrs. and the Air Force for 21yrs. It took me three months to get 20%.
Then another year to get up to 30%. I fought up till 2017 to get up to 70 %. I have PTSD, loss of hearing and a bunch of other things. Whoever got 100% in three months is the luckiest SOB on the planet or have a friend in the VA where their claim was initiated.
I served, Korean War, Guff War, Desert Storm War and was “Blessed”. Left the Military in 1959 got Married and had three Childrens by my Wife, return to the military service in the seventies and Served in the Desert Storm War in Spain, if the war had lasted two more weeks I would have been shipped to the Desert, after more than twenty-five years of Service I only needed Both Knees Replaced. I feel “Blessed” to have able to serve my Country. Forrest F. Hudson, M/Sgt USAF-Ret.
When did the va billing changed to start billing my medi care and private ins?
I’ve been looking for a comment section where I can comment on the story what do they mean white peers I am white and I am a peer over no race color or Creed this was a racist comment that they had made
I spent 21 years in the US navy Seabees. Retired 1999. Was only receiving 40 % disability. Every time I filed a claim it came back did not receive your disc or papers. Well now finally am going to be seen by an out source company for my disability claim. I guess better late than never. Finally met someone in VA that did her job.
I recieved 20% in 1986. 10% for my foot pain and 10% for my left knee. I started out getting $45 per mo, now in 2021 I get $247. per Mo. Now I. can’t work because my let. leg doesn’t work with out much pain.Did Construction work and now I can’t do any thing like that. I asked my primary Dr. to investigate
more on lft leg so he sent me to heart clinic to get heart monitor, when they called me in they sent me for a Pace maker. I had to tell them that I was there for a heart monitor. Dr. told me heart was good. But my leg still bad. I have put in for increase, and keeps coming back no. But I want to say that the food allotment for active dependants need a raise in food money, many children and spouses are going hungry, and that is disgraceful.
Let me bring some things to light; I’m not saying any of you are incorrect or got shafted in some manner. What I will say there are things that will better your chances as getting the rating you deserve. I can only tell you what the AF rules are, but they should be relatively the same.
1. Join at least two service organizations (e.g. VFW, LOA, whatever service Sergeant’s Association, etc.). This helps, believe it or not. They wrote all three of my service organizations on the top of each sheet on my medical evaluation . . . . . every single sheet.
2. Dig into Title 38 and find out the requirements to be compensated for that ailment. In Title 38, they define everything, how they rate, how they come up with the percent.
3. Know that there is a NON-medical person reviewing your records (the lowest GS they can possibly get away with) and they are not allowed to interpolate your doctors statements in your records. Example, my doctor put in pain radiating down my arm and making my thumb and index finger tingle/lose feeling. This is true, actually what was happening . . . . but it is called Radiculopathy. Radiculopathy is worth like 20%, how he described it is worth nothing and the GS person reviewing is not allowed to say “yeah, the doc meant radiculopathy” and award me 20%. So, if you know what it says is wrong with you, print off the page and have him/her write it up verbatim. NOTE: I am not saying to get your doctors to forge anything untrue; but it is not against the law to have them write it in the specific terminology.
4. Do not appeal anything. You can keep fighting something until the end of times; but if you appeal, this is likened to a Judge’s decision and it is done, finished and cannot be reviewed again. So, if you lose this appeal with a Judge’s decision you are finished and can forget about that ruling as it is final.
5. If you take Vitamin “M” like most of us (Motrin) and take it before going to be reviewed, you will more than likely not receive any rating other than a zero as your mobility looks fine for whatever ailment you are trying to receive. The doc is going to look at you for a short amount if time and make a decision that will effect you for the rest of your life. This is not methodology to “cheat” but if you are viewed by an Orthopedic doc for bad knees and you are walking fine and motion is fine because you took your daily dose (initial) of Vitamin “M” early or right before the visit, you will not be viewed as having a problem.
6. Migraines are hard to get. You need to diary them. Every time you get a migraine log it into your phone. What time was it? What was the date? What were the symptoms (e.g. vomiting, had to hide in the dark, had to have no noise, etc.)? How long did it last? What did you do to try to alleviate the pain?
I retired in 2011 and the rules may have changed, but I have assisted many friends to get higher ratings to 100%. The regs in 2011 stated if you retired and in the military for 12 years; they own it (the issue); no prior to service or anything like that. Again, this was 2011 so that and many other things have changed. I received great info from a Chief and a Colonel that I worked with and is served me well.
Good luck to all of you.
Just to add to all that you said my experience is:
1) Don’t man up when it comes to your CP exam. I’ve known to many people who when asked how they are doing and they reply ‘great’ or ‘I doing really well.’ Then they are upset with only a 10% rating.
2) Documentation, Documentation, Documentation. Cannot stress this enough. If its not noted on paper it didn’t happen.
3) Doctors letters and tests. If you have your own insurance and Primary Care Manager get this done on your own dime and get the results and copies to substantiate your claim.
Great info DeeGee ,thanks.
“Every person had a choice” in what branch of service he or she wanted to join. Even during the draft period. I choose the Air Force but I was willing to go into the Marine Corp. I went Sheppard Air Force base for boot camp, I was singled out by TI , the TI was a Mexican from Texas I was a Mexican from California. Texicans don’t like Mexican from California or any other state.
The thing is that VA documents don’t have race even mentioned on the 21-526ez form that is submitted for filing a claim. You most likely will never meet the adjudicators or Vr’s that handle the documents. All Va looks at is evidence. You either have it or don’t. You have to create a case before you submit it. Its not based on race or whether you are a male or female.
I think the whole rating system should be overhauled. It is too complicated and out of date. The VA needs to come up with a simple and easy rating system that can be understood by everyone. The current system is too old and way out of date. Not sure when it was put into place. Probably 1900!!! This is 2022. Let’s come up to the present time. I can’t believe that someone or some Dept in the VA system hasn’t done this yet. .Also, this system should be updated by Veterans and NOT by people who are not veterans. Veterans would really know how to do the rating systems. Veterans shouldn’t have to spend years fighting the VA for benefits and get denied or get low ratings for benefits. It’s not fair. Let’s get this system updated and upgraded NOW!!! Let us Veterans do it. We will get done!!! We know how. Not some people who have never been in the military. LET’S GO VA LET’S GET THIS DONE NOW!!!
I have seen absolutely no movement on providing routine or emergency restorative dental care for disabled veterans with less than 100% disability or a dental related disability. This is appalling! Every health care provider agrees in the importance of proper dental care and the negative impact dental maladies have on one’s general health. While the VA provides comprehensive medical care at their facilities, dental care is virtually ignored. This obvious lapse in coverage and care should be — and needs to be — addressed and resolved.
spent 3 yrs vietnam, exposed to agent orange all the time. got out in 72 to avoid 4th tour and in goy throatmcancer from agent orange.. have waited 50 yrs still no results. but i will soon turn 87, havent been able to work for last 40 yrs. but thanks tomsoc sec and civ service retiremnt and loving stepdaughtet and her husband i have a place to sleep. good luck
My late husband was a country boy and was picked on continuously by a black woman claiming he was racist. After the fourth time, he got upset and said, “I ain’t racist, I hate everyone equally, and my wife is a beaner!”
He was sprayed in the face & lungs with fire extinguisher putting out a fire in aircraft. He fell off the top of a F-111 and hurt his hip. He also contracted some weird disease on his face he had to put up with for the rest of his life. He would take the early out when aircraft was retired, and was given $20K upon separation. He was never offered help at VA. He would be in pain for the rest of his life. He died at 60 yrs old in Sep 2021. He was white.
I have read all of these remarks replies and concerns that was previously talked about. However looking at all these remarks I have to think back to when I first signed my paperwork to enlist into the Air National Guard to which at that time we were looked upon his weekend warriors and laughed at because we didn’t take the military serious enough to to enlist to active duty… I served my time for 20 years I also suffer from PTSD I was a fire fighter and seen a lot of burned bodies a lot of mixed up configurations of what used to be a human body and made it through, when I got home last tour in Iraq I was diagnosed with PTSD on paperwork that was in 2009, in 2017 I was diagnosed with PTSD ,Tinnitus in the ears, multiple nightmares and being on edge, I am Native American which is Indian to some people that don’t know, however I did receive a lot of negative accusations and stereotyping of being an alcoholic , because that’s what Indian’s do, but in the military I’m not the only one that was drinking. I hold my head high for what I have done and Take full responsibility for the actions in the past. I am not going to put blame on the government or my peers I feel that I was not held at gunpoint to sign Enlistment paperwork to get into it ,I was lucky enough not to be Drafted…but I would not change it for any reason! Because of what I have read and have experienced a lot of things mentioned, I have received a 100% rating, but I have the paper trail to back everything up, and a reason to live, regardless of what the Military thinks of me or what I have done for America. I am angry of the lies told to me by my base Commander ,and of all the back stabbing I received, but when it got down to being kicked to the curb after 20 years became the best day of my life. And to put the “HAPPY HOOLIGANS “ of Fargo ND, in the rear view mirror, I have had no reason to set foot on that base again! You KNOW WHEN YOU’RE NOT WANTED OR NEEDED and CAN BE REPLACED, regardless of color, race, sex, or who you pissed off to push the paperwork through to get you out of the way. The Commander at that time had a very large head which was empty as well as his lack of respect for his actions put towards his own empty promises military or not.
Well Let’s See Here! Where to Start? I’m from Elko, Nevada! A Very Rural Community and Veterans in my Hometown feel about the Same when it comes to Traveling to Salt Lake City, Utah to George Wallen VA Hospital about Four years ago I had my Right Foot Amputation and Two years ago I had my Left Foot Amputation and now (feet). Excellent Doctors in Podiatry! The Whole Staff are Caring and Very Professional. My Bitch is Travel Pay reimbursement for Travel! Four Years ago they Used to Have a Staff Member Hispanic Woman and Lady! She knew everything there in Travel! She transferred out of that Place cause ISSUES THERE OF HOW IT WAS RAN! But anway was there March 4, 2022 for Morning Appointment and got there Checked in at Window and before COVID hit Utah you could check in on Kiosk Machine and Travel would be Automatic and get Travel Pay? Now days VA Hospital system you have to Use Computer / and watch YOUTUBE VIDEO, It kicks you Out! or Freezes up! What a Way! Then you ask this Guy there and says You did something Wrong. I was seen in ,2021 December 4 and Still waiting to be PAID! and was seen March 4, ,2022 and As of Today! 3/20/2022 Two Payments Behind. What a System!. President Biden or Vice Harris Should Check this ISSUE WITH VA HOSPITAL.
Thank You for letting me Sound Off!
Tony Platerio
Former United States Marine Corps
I spent several years getting nowhere with the VA. I was told by a friend to get an Advocate. Luckily our city has employees that are to help veterans with all the steps involved to get compensated and care. About all military organizations (VFW,etc) have Advocates that will guide you through the jungle.
Viet Nam vet. Cancer, Agent Orange, PTSD, hearing, etc.
An additional comment, Advocates are not associated with the military. Their focus is getting you the care you have paid the price for.
Greetings and Good Evening folks. My (I refuse to call my time in South Vietnam (1970 – 1972), a ‘Combat Tour”. primarily b/c I was a 94B (a Cook), and I flew Anywho, I, like many ‘young & dumb” teenagers, joined the Army to ‘escape’ the inner city circumstances of the streets of Detroit. Anyone who would have told me that I would be retired after 20 years of Active-Duty service would have probably had to pry my foot out of their ass. Since the Draft was ‘alive & well’ in 1970 (I was 17, turning 18 in September 1970), my Draft # was very, VERY low. After being told by a lying A$$ ‘quota-seeking’ Detroit Army recruiter if I was drafted, I would most likely go into the Marines, and be sent to Vietnam. However, if I enlisted, I WOULD go to any school I wanted (I always wanted to be a Police Officer; a 95B MP), and I wouldn’t be sent to Vietnam. Of course, AFTER I enlisted I DIDN’T get the Law Enforcement job, and I DID get sent to Vietnam. Even after all THAT, I have NO regrets. I didn’t EXPECT nor did I receive a ‘Heroes Welcomed Back’ parade upon my return to CONUS. I was told that NOBODY can complete a Vietnam ‘vacation’, AND a 20-year Army career, without SOMETHING going wrong. So, upon my retirement, I claimed ‘Agent Orange” exposure. I was laughed out of that office. I’ve ALWAYS (and still DO), wonder WTF when I see some ‘young buck, tattooed from ‘Head-2-Toe & Arms/Neck (penis (?); no matter if that ‘young Buck’ is Black (like me), White, Brown, Red or ‘female’, how they rated a front door (Handicapped), parking license, a 2020 Ram $58,000 pickup 4×4, yet they STILL move like a Gazelle or (Black/Brown), panther/cougar. I believe that Soldiers CAN suffer from emotional (unseen), disabilities, but if I managed to take care of the Body & Mind that GOD blessed me with, and not live off ‘Big Brother”, I believe that MY efforts should be ‘REWARDED’ too. I can get a 0% VA Rating due to my Vietnam tour. Someday I might try again for some ‘Free $$$’, but at the moment, I’m satisfied collecting myRetired Military benefits, small stipend from the State of KS (for my 20 years post-military career choices of Education & LEO), coupled with my Social Security benefits. Not living like a King, but I’m comfortable. I have a POV (w/ a tank of Gas), a couple dollars in my wallet & checking account. To make my point, I would NEVER consider trading my health for an additional monthly $2-3,000 VA check.