The Department of Veterans Affairs has announced that some big changes are coming for veterans.
The VA is doing a major overhaul of its disability ratings criteria and how they evaluate mental health, and other conditions, for veterans.
VA officials stated that the changes are being made to help ensure that compensation is in line with veterans’ medical conditions.
Here’s more via Military.com:
The VA plans to update its Schedule for Rating Disabilities — its guide for determining how it evaluates and provides benefits for service-connected disabilities — for mental health conditions, to include their impact on veterans’ lives, and abolish the “0%” disability rating for any service-connected mental health diagnosis in favor of a 10% minimum, according to a notice published Tuesday in the Federal Register.
For tinnitus, the department will get rid of its stand-alone rating and consider the condition a symptom of whatever underlying disease is its cause.
As for sleep apnea, ratings will be assessed based on the effectiveness of treatment and the condition’s impact on “earning impairment,” according to the notice.
The VA hopes that by changing how they assess conditions they will be able to ensure veterans are compensated appropriately.
Ultimately once the changes go into effect, veterans with mental health conditions will likely see higher disability ratings. But fewer will likely be able to receive compensation for other conditions, such as tinnitus and sleep apnea.
If you are a veteran and are already receiving compensation for these conditions, the department said you will not see your ratings downgraded when the changes kick in.
It is widely known that the current VA disability rating system does a poor job compensating vets who lose earnings if they can’t work due to a service-related mental health condition.
Hopefully the VA’s overhaul will vastly improve this issue.
Veterans who think their ratings should be upgraded based on the new criteria should file a claim with the VA as soon as the changes take effect.
I have spell ance what can I do to get rated
I have been limping around on jelly knees since 1978. And the VA simply ignore my claims belaying pulled myself up by getting a education and a good job. As a aging marine corp grunt, I feel disrespected!
I feel you man, the congress praises vets and at the same time lower or discounting your benefits or they make it so difficult to get what you are intitled to . Just say nothing at all you don’t have to acknowledge my service. Just stop jerking with me when it comes to what I intitled to. Why can’t you make a VA medical appointment on line? It is stupid stuff like this that makes you wonder.
You’re right there, they lower or delete our benefits, but they give themselves pay raises with the money that should go to Vets.
It’s called deny until they die policy!
On a personal note, I went through Vet Comp and Pen. For a nominal fee, I’m getting a lifetime benefit for hearing loss @ 70% disability. Check it out. They are very efficient.
Walt Landmesser
[email protected]
In 1958, I was honorably discharged after serving 4 years in the Air Force. The military doctor told me that I had lost the upper and lower ranges of my hearing during military service while working next to B47 jet engines. The crew chiefs had great earmuffs to cancel the noise. I was issued cheap ear plugs that fell off half the time as the engines were ramped up. A few years ago, I applied for hearing aid at the local VA in San Diego, CA. They said that the government had lost my medical records due to a fire and for me to get hearing test on my own. I did not have extra money in those days so I could not. and they closed my case. From my perspective, the VA sucks when it comes to helping us vets when were down and almost out.
Dont give up. My husband was told the same thing about his medical records. Not true! Vet Comp and Pen were able to retrieve along with civilian medical. He was awarded 100% combined disability .
Really I only receive 10% from the VA
MY cousin was a Huey door-gunner in Vietnam. He got blown out of a helicopter. He had shrapnel in both knees for decades. He was going into the hospital every few years to get more shrapnel removed when it would “ooze” up to where the doctors could get to it and remove it. He was compensated of course – a whopping $65.00 a month. Can you imagine a civilian hurt on the job getting that?
I would call VA Claims Insider to help. I did and they helped me through all the BS paper work and filings even the appeals.
my Rep was Sandra. good luck brother
Soooo many conditions and the REQUIRED medicines
DO start another body system to fall apart! Especially
CLL-B type requires Imbruvica AND when used with transplant medicine Prograf-MUST look at the WHOLE Veteran conditions And Medicines!!!!
Prograf and high dose prednisone lowers the immune system. It is much needed if you are a transplant recipient. However, you are high risk for cancers, heart disease and other serious illnesses if you take it.
.VA doesn’t give a Damn about Veterans. this is yet another CRUMB from the left, for those who have allowed them to rob the people and make themselves wealthy. Ask why the Director of the VA leaves office with much more wealth, then before they held the position.
That’s not just the Director of the VA; that’s every appointed Director/Secretary of any federal agency; when they leave office they are pretty much wealthy.
Underlying cause of tinnitus..? Are you kidding? The under lying cause is exposure to loud noises. Good move VA slamming the door on veterans who suffer from this condition. This condition can cause or exacerbate mental health issues. Taking away someone’s sleep apnea as they have CPAP machines? What’s next taking or reducing diabetes comp because their is insulin Sleep Apnea can cause many health issues including severe damage to the heart. Just a move to crap on veterans by the Veterans Adversary! I would suggest anyone seriously thinks about enlisting in these times. Vets who have yet to discharge after serving in Afghanistan get to come home to a VA that won’t comp for Tinnitus after serving in combat and reduced apnea comp then veterans who were lucky enough to have discharged before now.
I proudly served in special Forces during Desert Storm, with the current constant screwing the military is getting now from low lifes in suits there is no possible way I would even consider serving for any reason! The payscale absolutely sucks compared to minimum wage and they are stripping away all benefits 1 by 1! When I served the top secret platoon I was in did not allow any tatoos or identifying marks on the body because of top secret missions, if you got a tatoo you were found guilty of defamation of government property and had to pay a fine from your paycheck every month! The pay was 27 cents per hour for every waking hour I worked when minimum wage was $3.65 per hour but the minimum wage jobs did not require you risking certain death in war zones!
The CIA’s version of Military Intelligence is to take a group of people and put them through absolute hell on Earth then instead of keeping them as a cohesive unit send them on suicide missions and if they survive shoot them in the head for National Security! Basically do deny that there was an actual Super Soldier Program and tell other countries that the soldiers that were sent to do their bidding were not soldiers at all but just hunters who made up all of the markings on their hunting camo!
The platoon I was in was labeled US ARMY Special Forces Super Soldier Training Program! It was an intertwining of Special Forces and CIA to create Super Human Soldiers! Most of the time we were doing non stop workouts 20 hours per day 7 days per week and waiting for the CIA to come pluck us 1 at a time to go god knows where and be their personal assassin! Desert Storm was the first and only time that the Super Soldiers were allowed to be used during a war! We were found to be way too effective!
I met many of you while I was in the Gulf. Stealth and spot on. If it wasn’t for special ops where would we be today.
Yes I feel your pain, because I have constant ringing in both of my ears I live with the television loud and often get a headache from it so the way the VA feel it’s like screw you we don’t care
that seems like tinnitus and migraines…60% rating
I have had a claim since 2009 in there for a malpractice lawsuit at 11:51 is what I was told in Washington DC on my own dime I had to go there the judge there told me to file at 11:51 which was a malpractice lawsuit it is now come up in 2021 October 13th it is now in the judges hands she said that she would make a decision on my case it is now been seven months and the woman can’t say yes or no what’s up with this they treat us like we’re dogs and every time you turn around it’s always more money for them $600,000 for cancer patients while they must have cancer patients because suddenly I had to have cancer and then they got their money and stuff like this it was not in my lymph nodes nor was it anything else we are test rats and that is all that they are they don’t give a hoot about us or anything else it’s money money money towards them I am so sick and tired of their doing and it’s just like you said it is until they die you have to keep pushing and pushing and pushing now that I am sticking up waiting on a decision that should only take a little while but apparently it is taking seven months now they informed me that it can take two years for the judge to make a decision on whether or not it is the right decision to make what’s up the VA sucks Michael in the Becky and Houston Texas is one of the biggest hospitals that we have and they have the most quack doctors and barbaric procedures I’ve ever seen in my life
You seem to have knowledge of the graft you assert is going to those in charge. What evidence do you have that people leave the administration richer than when they entered?
Obama, the falsely documented, illegally vetted one, went from a $25,000 a year community organizer to a very wealthy multi-millionaire in a few short years of political backing. Is THAT what service to the people is supposed to accomplish, or perks of insider maneuvering?
What a Crybaby. Obama is among the very Best Presidents in the History of our country. I suppose you support that Adulter, Thief, lyinf Satan in a Human body TRUMP.
If you are going to post negative comments about President Obama, please state TRUE FACTS. Everything you stated is undeniably untrue internet BS. What aCRY Baby, you are.President OBAMA has Proven to be one of the Best and Top Presidents who along with Senator John McCain accomplished more for the Vetern Disabilities than any other President.
I am amazed that you probably are a Supporter of the Adulter, lying, Gangster Satan in a human body Mr Trump.
I can’t believe anyone thinks that Obama was a great president. Are you comparing him to Biden?
Because then you have an argument. If you’re not comparing to Biden, then your argument is nothing but CNN garbage.
Maybe you should look at what accomplishments were done by Obama besides the apology tour, placing additional terrorist on the battlefield for a traitor, ruining the economy, allowing Iran to become closer to nuclear abilities, getting richer (other than his pay) creating desintion within the FBI CIA and HLS, destroying the trade agreements, joining the stupid environment pact, and let’s not forget Obama care that is the most worthless piece of legislation ever created, and the fact that unemployment was at an all time high as well has food stamp and welfare recipients. I’m sure I have forgotten his many other failures, and I would like to hear what exactly he accomplished. I can’t remember any accomplishments because of the many failures.
By the way, all of those are facts.
You have your opinion about Obama, but what trump did to the VA and to the Post Office is shockingly amazing!
Crybaby my arse. Odumba was the worst damn President our Country has ever had to endure! He put us farther in debt than anybody before or since, Maybe his henchman, OBiden the Senile One, will prove to surpass his former and current boss if he survives long enough in office. If he doesn’t, then we’re really in seriously deep stuff when his know-nothing VP Kamala does her best to implement United Socialist States of America!
There are too many brain washed individuals, that are controlled by the left. And they actually have the nerve to advertise, that Obama was a good president, much less, saying he was great. Great for what? Good for what? Other than divide the country. What M.LK. accomplished, Obama tore it down. There was no comparison between obama and TRUMP. Trump had a low unemployment rating, obama had a high unemployment rating.. So, what’s the your problem, probably listening to the wrong network. That’s a lot of people’s problem.
$25k per year? Obama is an attorney! God, how do you turn this into a fight about a former President’s income? Sick twisted and brainwashed, just the way Trump likes you robots! Get a grip…and a clue!!!
Exactly only a way to increase their graft and take funding from the little people that need it. Corrupted
Today I just got 100%. Took one year. Contact Vet disability help at 760-463-1138.
I need help I. At 80% but I think I should be at 100% I have ptsd bad knees bad low back and other thing my doctors say I should have Ben giving 100% I can not hold a job. My claim has Ben in from 2018 a d have appeal it. They tell there are 8900 thousand befor me it is unfair I got yo why so long please help my wife is sick cancer heart attack. She can not work. So I’m so down on my self I fell like giving g up with my life so will someone help please.
Find your local American Legion Rep ASAP!!! Best place is your closest VA to start… Good Luck Brother… My rep carried my case and me through the paperwork and entire process, and gave me advice too!!
Just Do It!!!
Yeah, and get your local state representative(s) involved. Find the ones that support veterans no matter what. Who gives a crap what political party they belong to. And keep ringing their phones until they get off their asses and do something. Be a Force in representing yourself. They have no idea who they’re messing with.
You are so fortunate, the Legion here in California doesn’t give a crap. Been a member for 27 years and the answer I got was, “ go see the VSO from the County, they will help you”. I’m certainly not going to renew again since the do nothing.
I applied in 2014 and received 10% for tinnitus, the VA lost my Medical Records that documented all of my medical issues. Had a virtual appeal hearing in Sept 2020 and after 14 months they sent it back to the Oakland CA office (everything remanded). I guess they just want me to die.
Wounded Warrior Project is another great resource.
Never ask for an appeal Let them know you disagree with the rating want a new evaluation.
I can honestly say to you that I can completely relate brother. More than you might think.. The bureaucracy of the VA (although much better than it was when I was first dealing with them in 2004) is just that.. A bureaucracy! The claims process needs to be adhered to with overboard accuracy and information. You have to use Detailed example of why you are making a claim and (If you can) show them the evidence. Provide any and all evidence with your claim. The biggest thing I learned during my claims process was to KEEP EVERYTHING! And keep it all in an organized folder and in chronological order.. If you are making a claim (for example) your lower back, go through your military medical records and if you had ever been to medical for that condition provide a copy of it and what the dr. had to say about it.. Especially if you saw medical Multiple times for that condition or claim you are making.. That goes for every single claim you are making. Basically the more evidence you can show them the easier you are making their job by providing evidence and a timeline and a professional opinion from the Dr. you had seen. Remember this too…It takes years to show/prove chronic conditions. I know this may all seem obvious to you, but I’m saying all of it anyway.. you gotta paint the picture so to speak on your claim. Use all the area provided for you to SUPPORT your claim and even the extra area on the back and write it all out.. I found during my claims process, the more evidence I provided the more serious my claim seemed to be taken.
If you feel you cannot navigate the VA properly then seek help through various Veteran programs. Ie: Your local VFW or American legion. And if you really need to, then even reach out to your congressman. Any one of those affiliations would be able to help you or direct you to local help for claims AND for help in regards to your statement of wanting to give up on life. Trust me when i say i understand. My body is FUBAR… But keep the fight man.. And honestly if I were you, I would start here with a simple phone call the next time you feel that defeated…or hell, just do it now..
Call. the Veterans Crisis Support line at 1-800-273-8255
or go to this website i pasted below for the veterans Crisis Support. You can even text chat if you rather..
And tell them the truth.. They know what you’ve been through…
Anyways, I hope you get it squared away and found even one thing iv’e said here helpful.. And don’t give up brother..
Semper Fi
Try the DAV
Call Trajectory 888-988-3837, out of Florida. Opens at 8am their time, Monday-Friday. They got me an increase within 3 months. I had tried for years.
Call-Veteran Care Servuces 7325387966
Nicole Friedman
Dude! PLEASE don’t give up! Keep pushin’!! I don’t even know you, but I’m hoping the best for you! Don’t let the stupidity and ignorance of others cause you to lose hope & focus! Please just get some extra help—it’ll work out! Do not let them win!!!
you should put in for IEU benefit
At least the left is doing something. Under Trump the right didn’t do anything. That’s where all the cronies got rich!
Wrong my brother that’s where we started losing I got diabetic shoes until the doctors at Marol go told them we didn’t need them. that where all this taking away started.
Under Obama I was turned down for PTSD. Had some wet behind intern do my evaluation. Even though my records indicated PTSD and being treated for it. Under Trump I got a re-evaluation from outside the VA and got 100%. PTSD, Insomnia. Tinnitus and Sleep Apnea. Was not able to work.
That is wet behind the ears intern
Crumb from the left? Now what nonsensical minded reasoning even remotely makes this a left-right political issue? This current effort to correct what the VA has been screwing up for years is simply attempting to right wrongs.
I agree with the Crumb but not the Left or the Right we as veteran should be taken care of Period we represented all
Crumb from the left???? The VA has had issues through the last 7, or 8 presidents, and now all the sudden you want to blame the left? Get real, and if you don’t like the VA system then use your own health insurance, and stop complaining.
Your Congress’ for the last 40 years have accountability….ALL Stripes, be they Dem, Republican or Independents.
This is not a Left agenda any more than a Right problem. It is a Congress problem, they like wars but hate to pay for them afterwards. Just a reminder which President/Party wanted to get rid of the VA health care system and turn it over to public health care. Which doesn’t understand the special
needs of some Veterans.
You hit it on target my brother.
It is just hype to try to get people to join the military once you are in and you see how they screw over everyone it is too late! But they like having lip service of telling those who do not know to make them even consider the military! Such as their Golden Ring the VA Home Loan! it takes a 640 credit rating to even apply for it when an FDA or Regular loan only requires a 580 to 600 to apply! They have all kinds of benefits but to qualify for each they set the bar impossibly high to get the help that you deserve!
I am a vet and married to a vet who is 100% disabled. I turned 68 and now VA says we make to much money and wants to take away my health coverage.. I am SO upset!
Wrong answer you need to take that rating to your congressman. I have a good congressman you gave them double duty you deserve double pay.
Total crap move. Figures though as these fools are are always looking to Disqualify folks rather than to include them and actually help.
Check in with Social Security. You’re way beyond full retirement age (66) so that may make some kind of difference where you can piece together pretty good coverage.
Use the VA for your meds.
I disagree the first time I applied for va benefits I got 100 percent rating and I used the va to buy my house they saved me 25000 on closing costs I get a ton of other benefits like 15 percent off at most restaurants and box stores I don’t get all the complaining the army has taken AWSOME care of me after I got out as a medic I have nothing but great things to say about the va
There should be no hoops that you have to jump through if you need help from the VA! Our bodies and minds were destroyed in the hell that is war when we need help there should always be someone to help us no matter what we need help with, even 1 homeless veteran is a disgrace to a real country there should be no VA Home Loan if you serve and are injured you should not have a house payment to worry about! It’s simple with all of the closed down bases have habitat for humanity build houses in them and give those houses to veterans!
I’ve have been fighting with the VA for 25 years I’m closing in on my death and now they have decided to make things fair . I don’t understand how that will help me if I’m dead what good is better medical coverage going to do me. I got a suggestion how about back pay for the years I had to pay out of pocket for expenses that the VA should have covered it still won’t do me any good by the time everything is put into effect I’ll probably be dead . I need a heart surgery a back surgery is scheduled and it took me from 2019 to 2022 to just get to a surgeon I’m still waiting on the surgery. The primacy care Dr at Mountian Home VA told me I was to much of a liability for the VA to treat me . Twenty Five years I’ve done everything they ask me to do I took every blood test every urine test I made nearly all my appointments on time . I discovered the hard way they didn’t know how to fix me so I told the Mountian Home VA to stick their medication back on the shelf I was done with the BULL SHIT. I don’t take the antipsychotic meds anymore or the heart meds ( I have a pacemaker and Afib they say I also need an A D Nodel Ablation) ? Not me ! I’ll die when I die they are only keeping me alive so they can watch me suffer anyhow 25 years of chronic pain and now , now they want me to start the chronic pain process all over again . I NO LONGER TRUST THE VA TO MAKE SOUND DECISIONS CONCERNING MY HEALTH.
Paul Kinsler 1 of 22
I fought the over 37 yrs to get the right rating for my left hip they gave me a secondary of the left hip Bone Island of left,I been trying to get the VA to tell what is the bone Island secondary from out of 37 no one gave me answers ,I hope they get right this time for the Veterans .
Please, however you do it, get the ablation! My husband had five heart attacks – two were what would normally be “widow-makers” – in a four year period. He has a defibrillator/pacemaker impacted. He, finally, found a magnificent doctor, Dr. R. Rodak, in Spartanburg, SC. The man is a miracle maker! Dr. Rodak found the offending node, did the ablation and that was the last procedure that my husband has had to go through (with the exception of a defibrillator unit change) in eleven years.
You will not regret having it done.
I don’t understand the concept giving free medicine to the illegals , inturn give 2 million an the VA is responsible for my symptoms.an want to shove the copay down are throat ,how is this legit ,I want to be an alien so I get free meds dammit , I’m sure all vets agree 👍 unknown veteran double amputee USN veteran PTSD anxiety deppresion racing thoughts.thanks for nothing
Illegal Immigrants do not get free medicine or heath care, unless a Charity gives it to them. They also pay taxes and social security and will get nothing in return unless they become citizens. This whole story about illegals getting free everything is a myth pushed by the Right. Illegals actually help our economy with cheap labor and doing jobs American citizens don’t want, but still contribute to the tax base.
Very true .
There is little, if anything, that Vets can do about bureaucrats; so, don’t waste your valuable time and precious energy fighting with those ghosts.
When the new rules become effective, submit your paperwork with all supporting documentation. The overwhelming volume will keep the bureaucrats busy for awhile….keep busy yourselves while your cases are acted upon and look forward to new ratings…IF THE NEW RATINGS ARE warranted…emphasis on WARRANTED. There won’t be new ratings if not warranted.
May the LORD continue to richly bless all.
When retiring from the military, the doctor I worked with batted away every concern I had.
I was rated 0% disability.
Twenty-eight years later, I now have:
Major depression
Sleep apnea
50% tooth loss from grinding teeth while awake
Type 2 Diabetes
Beginning Cognitive Decline
Hearing loss from working around and flying military aircraft
What do I need to do now?
DAV, American Legion, AMVETS. All good representatives for claims
The VA Health system has been good for me, but getting a VA loan or refinancing a mortgage when your husband dies is such a joke! My husband was a Veteran also, and he passed in January of this year. I have excellent credit rating and am trying for refinancing our VA loan and I am having to pay over 10,000.00 in closing costs. I have a 10% disability (due to no ear protection) and my pension is very low, as is my income now. I have never heard of that high of closing costs….I have to do it because I have no other choice and it is literally making me sicker. I have heart problems also and have surgery coming up for that next month.
Find another lender. The one you are working with is trying to take you to the cleaners.
Contact Rocket Mortgage they work with vets.
If you have a modular home they DO NOT do loans. C. L. McConnell 100% Michigan, been waiting since November for a May 2022 dental appointment for a new tooth, 2.5 hour trip to Saginaw for treatment. LUCK
Go to Freedom Mortgage.com They work with veterans and are very much involved with helping them through the process in a timely manner and they keep the costs down.
I went through my mortgage company when I first started my lease was at 5.875% and now I’m at 2.875% that saves me almost 400$ a month so check it out
Try United Veterans, Aaron Foster, 800-814-1103 ext 3386. My husband passed 3/11/2020. I did a cash out refinance with no closing costs out of pocket and I am 75. Tell him Laura Carr said to call!
I just refinanced my va loan through freedom mortgage I didn’t have to pay a penny in closing costs and I got to skip 2 months of payment someone is giving you bad information you shouldn’t have to pay any closing costs
Would like to see if I qualify for disability.
Did your disability come from your time in the military and if it did do you have the paperwork to back up your claim
Take from the poor give to the rich. I went to war for my Country and brought many Deamons home that are unwanted but my life will never be the same but if I had to I would do it again.
What about veterans that applied for disability and got shafted by the system?
I Have been for years trying to file Claims for my Back since 2003 and I get told sorry you have no proof you got hurt , all because of the intake office in the Army I jump off my tank and landed on hidden rocks under the tall Grass and Damaged my left foot had many operations and now my foot is all messed up and I fell on my Back and I got two Herniated Disc in my lower back and the VA tells me to bad and I have a big loss of my Hearing and I am getting 50% Hearing loss I allso have 100% Nerve Damage in my left leg and foot and my right foot has 70% Damage of the Nerves , I need Help now not when I am Dead I am 70 years old and in a lot of Pain ,to see a foot Doctor who cares it is over a one year wait with the VA, I served my Country and I would do it again it I could , I need to be reevaluated for my problems not Laughed at , Please
Any change in VA now is just the Demorats trying to survive the midterm elections. Sent Pelosi home to her million dollar mansion.
There’s a new law if the va can’t get you in with in 20 days they must send you to a outside provider who can see you right away trump signed it into law
I would like to see if I am eligible, for tinnitus and Mental health , with the tinnitus my ear is all time ringing and causes me to become off balance and I become very dizzy and disoriented and it’s beginning to take me in a stage of depression. Please help, if now you’re coming up with an solution or medicine, this would be greatly appreciated
I guess I have done this correctly I retired 21 years ago and I have had 4 evaluation completed and waiting on the last one to finish my rating has increased over time from 30% to 80%. I am anticipating 100% this time due to a lot of set backs from PTSD and combat related injuries. I have been in a few mental hospitals over the last 5 years. These places don’t understand what a GI has been through. Everyone wants to know your worse experience. I tell them it won’t help you to help me because you can’t understand the grief and horror of war. I was involved in the clean up after desert storm and that was way worse. Reminds me of a packing plant after the pigs have been on the table for few weeks. But these where people men women children old people and everything else. I can’t go by the stock yard when they are doing pork. Brings me right back 30 years. Amazing. Good luck everyone
I was a paratrooper in the 82nd during the 80’s. I’ve been living with restless leg syndrome for years. The VA won’t even give me service connected status for my back injuries. To close to dying to keep up the fight. Thanks VA.
I have hearing loss due to working on the flight line during ERO (engine running off load) down loading C141,C130 & C5 bad ear plugs. I was awarded 80%..My ear doctor at the VA AUDIOLOGY in las vegas was great because he prior military, if you get some one not prior military you are in a mess.
it’s not the VA, the real problem are the politicians in DC making all these looney tunes rules that hurt the veterans on the long run. They (politicians) are not veteran neither their families, so they don’t care about us. the VA have collected back money from me three times, they screwed up, I pay the price.
This is a trick just to adjust rating for sleep apnea and those diagnosed to use CPAP machine. If you have sleep apnea and use CPAP machine you get 50% disability when you initially enter their rating tables.
I never got anything for sleep apnea. I have used a CPAP for 38 years and went through the sleep study at the VA. They also said that I have restless leg syndrome as well while in the sleep study. I finally did get my 100% after 30 years but it was for combat wounds and other such things. You need to find a good VSO. Some of the states have offices that are staffed with prior service and are helpful.
What about VA refis in Texas and Utah???? Neither state allows vets to get a VA refi, no one can tell me why! Can the VA get with these states and straighten out whatever is keeping them from giving vets what they can easily get in all the other 48 states. Please help!
My husband was at 100 percent and died due to agent orange exposure in 2018, I do receive DIC, which is way below what my household is and always depended on my husband’s disability to survive.
The Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increases have been the only changes in DIC since the flat rate was implemented in 1993. When DIC is compared to payments to surviving spouses of other federal employees, DIC lags behind by almost 12%. The current DIC flat rate for a surviving spouse is $1,319.04 per month. This is 43% of the disability compensation rate for a fully disabled single veteran whose rate is $3,057.13 per month.
Since 1993, surviving spouses of military Veterans are finding themselves falling further and further behind in meeting their financial obligations from month to month. Many surviving spouses of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam era wars are receiving only DIC; some receive DIC and minimum Social Security benefits. These DIC recipients struggle monthly with their budget of $1,319.04, juggling bills to meet the rising costs in health and dental insurance, housing, utilities, food, clothing and other personal living expenses.
We are looking forward to the introduction of bills in the Senate and House to increase the DIC from 43% ($1319.04) to 55% ($1681.42) of a single 100% disabled veterans’ compensation (currently $3057.13). Bringing DIC compensation to 55% would provide parity with other Federal survivor programs.
Survivor Benefit Plan/Dependency Indemnity Compensation Offset.
The monthly benefit (DIC) really helps for widows of veterans but is not enough to live on even when added to social security benefit. It would be helpful if the monthly benefit was equal to the percentage for Federal employee benefits. Dental is needed. It would also be helpful if availability of benefits were actually relayed to veteran’s spouses.
My husband was 100% disabled and I took care of him, but even though they say he was exposed to Agent Orange, and died from that exposure they paid $2000.00 on his funeral. I had to take our savings to pay $1100.00 more!
Please if you have it in your heart, sponsor the increase of DIC for all surviving spouses who have lost their husbands or partners due to war!
They sacrificed their lives for our country, leaving behind broken, grieving widows who are losing their home’s or just barely surviving in these hard time’s now.
My husband died in November 5th. He died from brain cancer. I filed for dic. I was told it probably would be turned down. He was in Vietnam for 10 months. He drove trucks with amino to the front lines. I heard it is hard to claim agent orange is responsible for the condition.
if the rating are changing it should be an automatically upgraded if qualified to much of a hassle to redo all paperwork they should be able to that they all ready have all the info unless you have something to add
My cousin got blown out of a helicopter in Vietnam – he was a door gunner. They removed shrapnel from his knees for about 20 years. They would have to wait for the shrapnel to “ooze up” where they could get at it and remove it. Each time it came p he had another surgery. He was compensated of course – about $60 a month. When I was in school, I knew a vet who was in a wheelchair – he drove a specially fitted out van. Every day after class I would see him the parking lot and he would say he was going fishing. I said to him you must really like fishing. He said he really liked to eat. He did not get enough money for school a place to live and food. I knew another guy who got a Purple Heart in Vietnam – he cut his finger opening a beer in a bunker during a mortar attack. Today the number of people who claim to be Vietnam Veterans is more than double the number of troops who were actually in theatre. As with all things government – IF the corruption were to be “weeded out” things would work a hell of a lot better.
I have no inner ear in left ear. VA says I have 10% ability. But yet want to implant a Cochlear device so I can hear. Not too talk about my right ear hearing problem.
I have Ischemic heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney failure, sleep apnea, PTSD, and prostate cancer. I have been receiving (100% TEMPORARY) disability for the past six years or so. VA will not make the disability (100% Permanent) because I refuse to have radiation and/or prostate removal, I have too much experience with radical treatments to willingly subject myself to radiation, chemo, or surgery. As I understand it, the temporary designation will prevent my wife from receiving benefits after my death. I am relatively healthy not withstanding the above mentioned diseases. At 76 years, I realize I have a lot more yesterdays than I have tomorrows, I just need to know that my family will be taken care of once I am no longer in the picture. They have suffered as much or possibly more in the past fifty-five years than I have due to the Vietnam experience and Agent Orange exposure.
I may be hoping for the impossible, but I believe the VA and the nation as a whole owe a debt to my family as well as myself for the damages caused by my military service and the application of Agent Orange.
I will bet you my definition of appropriate compensation and the definition applied by the VA will be totally different.
Tinnitus, based on the illness causing it, really, incoming, outgoing, illness ? Hearing loss requiring hearing aids but non compensated because not severe enough. Sleep apnea based on effectiveness of treatment. CPAP did not do much if anything to actually help me sleep. I’m gonna guess even though the VA says it will not undo what has already been granted, in order to see that each vet is compensated fairly, they will review all service connected disabilities for fairness. Especially the older, now retired vets since ability to work after retirement will probably figure in to their decision about disabilities and appropriate compensation. Stand By.
20+yrs on the flight deck cv-41/cv-59/cv-73 can’t feel my feet (circa 1940 flight deck boots wwII issue) haven’t been able to lift my arms over my head (flight deck director) due to arthritis/bursitis/calcium deposits from flapping my arms for 20yrs ZERO compensation. Director the damn DIRECTOR of VA tells me you have to start with your hearing issues saying automatically 20% due to flight deck duty HELL nothing wrong with my hearing I can hear ALL the squawking from my (ol ball and chain )but this is the DIRECTOR of our STATES VA telling me to falsely file to get the ball rolling.WTH
I’m at 80% and after reading some of the comments, I’m at a point where it appears that I should be satisfied with my current rating, I feel so badly about those who have made much sacrifice for a country that refuses to acknowledge & compensate those who have sacrificed their time, families & even their lives—all in the name of greed. I wish that there is something I could do to help some of you all in some way.
It’s a shame, the suffering of veterans by greedy politicians who never had an experience on a battleground, or witnessed the horrors of death while serving…
Love to all—stay strong in this new battle.
I wish I could go back to war for my country and die for my love of country…this place is bullshit under this administration…everybody missing Trump right now…I love America till my dying breath…this place sucks right now
I should of said die to protect those who cannot protect themselves….that’s what we do
I completely agree. Worst administration ever, Makes Carter look like a Genius
I cannot wait until president Biden can undo what that sociopathic Hitler living fool Trump did. He wants to make America great again suicide is really his only way to make anything great again
There are better medicine than giving Veterans PILLLS. Now I’m addicted to these mental PILLS just to function to be around my family. Now the PILLLS have shut down other organs. IM not the only VETERAN with this. HELP PLEASE from A VET.
Lathan: keep up the fight, for YOU and family to get what you deserve! Use the resources that others have stated here,, over and over until YOU get results. As you can see from these comments YOU are not alone, but the trail can be long….Just keep trying and talk to other Vets who have been in your situation, it helps to know others who have been in your situation….. And survived!!
With all this being said, “he said”, “she said”; understand, it’s the VA who wrote the book on “presumption”.
Even if there is “proof”, the VA will still deny your claim, because they can and it’s all about money and job security for the incompetent people they hire. It’s a known reality the VA; the government loves confusion and prejudice, since all of this keeps harmony in there own illiterate way.
They write the book on “your wrong”, “they are right”, even should you provide proof. Again, they wrote to book on “presumption “. But , they don’t follow their own rules. They can’t tell the difference from a Hearing Specialist and a psychologist. But, the “presumption “ is there for their interpretation.
The VA and the Government are Treating Veterans like Crap, They Deny Everything Lie and Drag their Feet on any Compensation or Proper Medical Care!!!
We Treat Illegals Better Than we Do Our Veterans it’s DISGUSTING!
I would hope that they will reevaluate the conditions of those of us who they have denied benefits to in the past. I did not even understand the process and filed for my tinnitus making a number of errors in my filing. They even denied my appeal citing the errors I have made. Will I now be allowed to refile?
Does anyone ever wonder what kind of crazy math the VA uses to do ratings? You could have 120% and still get 80% are they using common core math? System is jacked
I flew aircraft for the Navy. I had one deployment to Viet Nam. During that deployment I was subjected to 120+ decibels of aircraft engine noise for hour upon hour. I flew combat missions and the was subjected to the same level of noise. Subsequently I have been suffering degradation of my hearing. The damage is permanent and I may eventually lose my hearing completely as was noted by two audiologists. The VA evaluated my case and said that there is no military connection to my hearing loss. Thank you VA for your thoughtful consideration of my case.
Have the Blue Water Navy vets been authorized for compensation ? Last I knew the congress had down voted the bill..
I let the DAV do the work for me and I am satisfied. I didn’t have to fight the VA.
My disabilities should have been back payed from the time I left the Military and not when the VA decided to accept them. I didn’t have them when I joined. 21 Years of Military Service caused them.
IN SLC AND OUR DAUGHTER’S FRIENDSHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Retired US Army Dec. 1969. Dec. 2008, my retired pay was stopped and my wife received a letter from
VA finance offering condolence for unofficial death of her husband (ME) on 1 may 2000, and that she return
$237,800 dollars paid to her after her husband’s (ME) death was illegal. I was DEAD for about 7 1/2 years
and did not know it. Upon checking my military records were lost about the time the time, 2000.. After
20 years of honorable service I no longer exist with the VA National Records Center. (NRC). The NRC will NOT make up another military record for me nor accept a lot of my military records I have including five
DD Form 214’s and a DD Form 215, retirement orders and some assignment orders. The VA is saying I
DO NOT EXIST any longer. Inquiries to NRC come back “no record” or “records lost”. NO MORE thanks
for your service.. I might add I am a Korean War combat veteran., and thanks for nothing VA………
The so called Doctor who evaluated me back in 2013 for PTSD only rated me for 30%. I been fighting it for years until I went to to hospital for 3 months. There I got rated 70%. I tried to go back for back pay for misdiagnosis from the first Doctor. I ran it back through to them and denied. So with this new option coming can I refile and how would I be able to do it correctly. Thank you
I went thru the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) services — which are free. They helped me file. Found my records, set me up with the right avenues to go and I have 100%. People must think you need to lose an arm or a leg for 100% because rude individuals ask me all the time why I’m 100% disabled when I look fine. I have internal injuries and don’t feel like discussing my medical history with people I just meet. Any suggestions to keep nosey people at bay are welcome.
Sorry to bust your lies. But, it’s your Republicans that take it away. I think you need hearing aids also. Just saying.
I was in Viet Nam during the TET offensive and my company at 1 point was considered to have been effictively wifep out. Only 8 of us survived out of about 120 men. (Our company was reinforced ) That is another story, our reinforcement company came into the valley we were pinned down in after being advised not todo so. Anyway , I came back from Nam and I had intrusive thoughts, panic attacks and a startle reaction which I still have to this day. I had a job in railroad security and had to quit because of a panic attacks I had because I was armed. In addition to the panic attacks, I have sleep apnea and I am taking numerous medications for Anxiety, depression and ADHD. I am having memory problems now in large part because of my lack of sleep. WhileI have managed to work as a school psychologist and a counselor for many years, I have had a lot of psychological disturbances that have impacted the quality of my life. I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder by the VA when I first got back but I had so many of the classic symptoms of PTSD that at the very least the anxiety disorder exascerbated by PTSD. SHould I try to get disability or just forget it?
Alaska was left off this list. The state of Alaska does not tax any income from any source which includes military retirement! Request you please add my state of Alaska to this list!