A new VA rule change is going to have some undesirable repercussions on veterans across the nation.
Until recently, the 85/15 Rule said that the VA could not pay for a student’s education if they are in a program where more than 85% of the students have their tuition supported by either the college itself or the VA.
The new change is redefining what is considered a “supported student.” Previously it was “any student receiving VA benefits.” However, it will now be considered “any student who gets a scholarship grant from their school, who is granted a waiver or tuition and fee forgiveness, or any student using a payment plan”.
As you can see, the rule change will make it so a large number of non-veteran students fall under the 85/15 Rule.
This means that veterans who want to use their GI Bill could have a more difficult time enrolling at schools they want to attend.
Many think that the VA’s intention for changing the rule was an attempt to decrease predatory schools from trying to get veterans to enroll so they can get more money coming into the school from students using the Post 9/11 GI Bill.
While the VA’s motive of trying to prohibit schools from preying on veterans is worthwhile, many think this is not the way to go about it.
Several members of Congress agree, and have sent a letter to VA Secretary Denis McDonough requesting the following.
– To provide a list of schools and/or programs that have been suspended under the new guidance.
– Why the VA changed its guidance on the 85/15 Rule when the statutory language in section 3680 of title 38, United States Code, did not change?
– What training and communication has been provided to schools on how to implement this new guidance?
– If students are activated by the Guard or Reserve during their academic term, will they be unable to return to their educational program if it drops below the 85/15 ratio during their activation?
– What resources is VA providing to school certifying officials to ask questions and gain clarification about the new guidance?
via Clearance Jobs
The letter included a suspense date of a reply back to Congress NLT December 1. The VA’s response (if there was one) has yet to be released to the press.
I was in during VEAP period and did not contribute to the program in boot camp so I there for became ineligible to contribute and to have any benefits. I Think this was unfair like so many things but that is life and have paid for school on my own and with student loans. I do believe VETERANS should have a discount for our service.
Yes Sir!
Yes, me too. It was a program that briefed well but when it came time for the government to pay they were always coming up short which was against the agreement.
10-4, Vietnam Vet
Right, I served 81-92 and couldn’t get any help when I got out.
Join the crowd!
Why you could not get VA GI Bill benefits? Where you part of the VEAP program? Did you make any contribution to the VEAP program. If you did then you were allowed to convert to the Montgomery GI Bill. I did that. Do not be mad if you did not enroll in the program and not say VA did not help you. I blow off making my contribution into the Montgomery GI bill for many years but when I was 3 years out from retiring I spent the 2500 to get my GI Bill money… Glad I did that 2500 gave me 28000 in college tuition…
Yes Sir!!!
If you didn’t contribute, why do you think you should get something? You were offered the opportunity to contribute, so the choice was yours.
Because everyone before and after didn’t have to contribute, it was part of the benefits. Pay was low and that little a month was needed sometimes. And it’s not like the program worked if you were part. Just a bad deal all around.
Precisely. The program sounded great. Until you looked into using it. As a low-grade Enlisted (PFC through SP4) that monthly loss of income was significant. And the total amount you could save to be matched by the VA wasn’t enough for 4 years of tuition, forget about books & a place to stay.
The program was what was in place when I enlisted, so it was what it was. But I had a terrible time finding a job in my small town during “Reaganomics” and had to cash in the program for money to live on. Under Reagan, I couldn’t even receive unemployment benefits after my enlistment period ended. They said I’d “quit my job”.
The lucky ones who got the GI Bill and those who came in under the new policies could actually go to school and change their lives. It created an opportunity for them to prosper in the working world, which is good for everyone.
I think Vets should receive all the benefits the Country can provide, including all possible help receiving further education without going into massive debt to make up for the work experience, resume notes applicable to non-military roles, and the networking time lost in “The World” during their Active Duty period.
I finally made it to college, but on my own dime.
We should not be held to a decision we made while serving Uncle Sam. As a Nam vet I know I was not in a mental state to concentrate on anything but to keep my butt in tact for when I hopefully could get home to “Jodie”.
Copy that
I know exactly what you mean! I was in the top secret US ARMY Special Forces Super Soldier Training Program! It sucked beyond all suckings! It was a top secret intertwining of Special Forces and the CIA to create Super Human soldiers, hell week was every second of your entire career! Because of the intertwining the CIA used my platoon as their personal wal mart for assassins! They called us the masters of the impossible! My trial by fire as they called it was taking on 35 of another countries version of Special Forces and killing and gutting the leader of that country as well as his wife to leave a sick calling card from the cia that they labeled the last supper and believe me there was nothing holy looking about what happened to their corpses! all completely by myself with only my M-16 and 60 rounds of ammo! With my Bayonette to cut out the intestines and eyes of the leader of that country and his wife! To cut out the eyes and stuff the large intestine into the mouth with the eyeballs on top inside of the mouth!
Ain’t buying it!
i served in nam from 66 thru 72, in and out back to redeployment and back again. the previous sounds like a lot of brovo sierra. i served with 5th group and was at khe sahn in tet 68. all the previous dialogue sounds like a james patterson novel. like gunz “ain’t buying it” i also served in the afghan and iraq campaingn and at fallajah. never heard of this super duper unit. obviously the boy is a wanna be and must be smokin something.
As long as you fought in battle for your country your schooling should be 100% free whether you paid in to any system or not sincerely Desert Storm disabled Veteran!
I too enlisted under that worthless GI Bill in 1977… VEAP… I only paid about 1200 but I cashed out of it… but since I had enrolled I was allowed to pay back into it… and get the Montgomery GI Bill when I retired in 2003… I got 30,000 for paying 2500 dollars… to me it was a good investment. There is a cost for everything we do in life. Just as the soldiers now only get 40% after 20 years they have to pay into the Thrift saying plan for that other 10%… Like you said there are choices you have to make… You chose not to pay into the program… which made you ineligible for benefits…
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It’s been over 60 years now since my DD214 was handed to me. I went to school on the GI Bill – we never had to contribute to it while in the service — got my Bachelor of Science degree and went on to be quite successful. I’ve had several VA home loans over these many years; they never lost so much as a penny trusting me to pay the money back, and it has been a real positive option for me.
Our government needs to start reducing all the rules and regulations, not keep adding to them. That applies to everything, not just the VA. Why must a seller write on the cup that the coffee is hot?. How stupid. If the buyer doesn’t know the coffee is hot he/she shouldn’t be buying it. That is one tiny rule out of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, that the government has decided is needed. I think that after say 10 years, each and every rule should be reevaluated for it’s effectiveness and re-voted on, or it is cancelled. What a mess our government has made of our culture. Term limits are a must have!!!!
Indeed. First house was an assumable VA loan that we had to qualify like anyone. Now as a Veteran widow, plus had 3 children utilize the Veteran Education benefit along with myself, I am looking to purchase a home utilizing the VA system since selling my FHA home I had PIF 4 years ago.
A-,men. I’ll vote for your every day Joan F. Riker. . My first DD-214 was back in May 1958 and I have studly watch our government go down hill. Your right about the coffee cup, I’m a 4th generation Californian and have watched my beloved state being destroyed by all the liberalism and gross stupidity that has evolved over the years. After Viet Nam I never moved back to My California but I still love it and all of God’s wonders there. I must admit that I never use the VA aside of my education but not the overall VA hospital system. But It has gotten a lot better over the last 5-6 years. Thank gosh for the DAV and their dedicated reps. I’m a 100% combat disabled and the VA staff would never provide the information the DAV has, and is still providing today.
Not sure how to react, however, I was rated 100% due to related service connected cancer and after having a follow up exam they dropped my rating because I’m remission.
My husband served 8 years in the Navy as a jet mechanic but is not able to utilize benefits for VA medical, as he served during peace time and is last one at the bottom to be approved before all those that served during wartime. I don’t want to take away from our men and women who served during wars but I think ALL veterans should have access to medical and hospital benefits after they have served. He has hearing loss and needs a knee replacement from an injury plus surgery he had while serving. We have utilized the VA mortgage benefit though. It’s all he gets from serving. It was a big help though.
If your husband applies for a disability with VA he is able to get medical help. While the process is frustrating, it is possible, especially given his job.
Contact your local veterans organization, such as the American Legion, VFW, DAV, and get in contact with a disability service officer. Apply for disability. Get it up to 30% and he gets put in a higher priority category. Get 50% and all meds from the VA pharmacy are covered at no cost. Less than 50% and meds not related to the service connected disability have a co-pay.
Right on brotha!
Read the book, “Hot Coffee” and you will see why it was a big deal. Otherwise, you are just venting without full information. Hint: the incident that made the news was far from the first incident of scalding. Yes, scalding. Book has pix of the permanent damage the lady sustained.
Hard now days to separate the BS from Truth.
I was in truly the most messed up platoon in Special Forces history! Nothing about it made any sense at all! The CIA holds all of my files, videos and records. It was labeled US ARMY Special Forces Super Soldier Training Program1 It was an intertwining of Special Forces and the CIA to try to create Super Human Soldiers! Primarily my job was as a Super Soldier my secondary job was 55-g (Nuclear Weapons Specialist) as a Super Soldier we were under what was called total control every second of every day not just what was termed as hell week by regular military it was pure hell every second of every day! I knew they had to be messing with our DNA to get us as massive as we were as quick as we got there and recently I have gotten the absolute proof that they did! imagine in less than 3 months time going from a toothpick wrapped in skin to an absolute mass monster with 26 inch unflexed and 32 inch flexed biceps at less than 2% body fat! That would never happen in a normal humans lifetime but it happened to me the smallest guy in my platoon had 24 inch flexed biceps! They called me massive dragon1!
I’m so sorry this happened to you as I’m sure that complications are inevitable.
I agree, but then I think hog how dumbed down and self centered so many Americans are today.
ABSOLUTELY! Couldn’t agree more, it’s disgusting and embarrassing what has happened to our great country……especially now days!
I got my Bachelor degree and I never paid a penny for books tuition because of disability being employed had nothing to do with service VA does not give handouts to everyone just because they served.. I was disabled from Nam and filed for disability and because of not having a it you that qualified me for civilian employment it was approved by VA if you were a grunt there should be no problem however if you were an office guy forget for get it VA help those who need it they are not a free pay for your service they pay for injury related to your service that is proven if you didn’t pay when given the ropportunity what is your beef every one that went to Nam was in the bush some had cushy off jobs.
I was in from 67 t0 70 and used the GI bill in 74 and everything was covered, we weren’t required to match anything!!!! You have to remember when I was an E-1 we got $99.00 a month!!! I was surprised to see all the changes!!!
I’m a VA and I’m in need of some house repairs why want any body help me I’ve tried and tried I’m 68 my home needs help can somebody help or y’all just say not in the mowed I live in Denison p help don’t get my hop up and y’all want help an old man please
You might want to try the dav or local military installation possiblythere are services just hard to find in most states.
Where do you live?
Your article uses the term “many think.” OK, so who is the “many?” This verbal garbage began about 50yrs ago and sounds great on paper, but, it completely meaningless. I recall talking with some Native Americans a couple of years ago who were talking about how the US Government never honored ANY treaty. I told them, as a veteran, I can see their point. Agreements made with veterans are as meaningful as “Type 2 general purpose paper.” I suppose the CONgress needs to cut funding to pay off the new “budget agreement.” I routinely tell guys who ask me about enlisting, that your contract really is worth the paper it’s written on. The US Government has no obligation to abide by it. BUT they will demand that you do. The VA is acting with the suppport of CONgress, so remember that at the next election. Oh, don’t forget, that the Republicans went along with this to be “bipartisan” which really means they caved in as usual. [email protected]
USN 6/70 – 6-74
I’m a veteran of the Viet Nam war and now I’m living on SS. Over the years I’ve asked the VA for help, but got nothing but excuses. Now that I’m retired I finally got a home loan to buy a house. As it turned out the furnace had been disconnected so this is my third winter without heat, and you can’t tell me it doesn’t get cold in northern NM. I was told I was making too much money which comes to $1400 a month. I was told the limit was $1300,
Thanks for listening.
Hey Brother Ted…. You must always remember that anything the government touches inevitably turns to crap sooner more than later….. I suggest you try DAV . They are a very good source to find programs from the VA that most of us don’t even know about as veterans….. They are a free and very good veterans outreach.
Contact your local veterans organizations. Many of them have the ability to help with your situation. They can pay the utility bills directly for you to keep your heat and electricity. Most of them do not require you to be a member. Although, they may ask you to join.
I made serving my country a career and I am now retired from the Marine Corps. I live in California, so my question to those in power and making these decisions is this. Are they saying to me and my fellow Veterans that may live in a state that provides additional state benefits that either pays part or all (like Texas) of a Veterans tuition for having served thier country. That they are not eligible to use the GI Bill? Are you kidding me? Did they need to move funds away from those that have served thier country to be able to fund the president’s New programs to support illegal immigrants?
Sickening to think but so true
This is my third time requesting benefits under the G.I. Bill . I presented twice, a 7 page questionaire from the Va during the Obama years and was turned down. The Obama VA said I made too much money at the time.
I am now retired and on Social Security and was turned down, because I was turned down two previous times.
Fact is, Democrat in power, Veterans get screwed period! e. o. d.
Gary, I agree the government doesn’t work for regular working citizens. However, it’s not just the Democrats who are constantly screwing over everyday working Americans. You should research the information and keep yourself informed on who’s actually not wanting to help working citizens. Don’t get me wrong all politicians are corrupt. However, Republican politicians only believe in helping the very wealthy. I don’t listen to the news much anymore. Why because they are just like talk shows. The biggest problem in this country is people are being brainwashed to believe one party is better than the other. I encourage individuals to take some time to research and find out who has appropriated and pass legislation to benefit the regular working class citizens. Politicians should not be able to receive any money from outside there government salaries. That’s the problem especially when it comes to military industrial complex and corporate businesses controlling Congress, Executive and Legislative Branches. If I could pass a bill in reference to this government. If any government employee take anything from outside there government salary they would go straight to “PRISON” for minimum ten years. It wouldn’t matter if they received a happy meal or went to Ruth’s. The punishment would be the same no exceptions. This Government stop working for the people over 70 years ago. Look at what been happening with this country’s voting and election procedures. Corruption has been running rampant long before the coup attempt on January 6. This Country has been constantly involved in unnecessary conflicts for what? “GREED” (money & power). Never 👎 winning, but giving our tax dollars to themselves and there buddies. Wake up America, your elected officials are on the telephone 📞 seven and a half hours a days with the wealthy asking for money 💰 and only maybe working for thirty minutes on nothing. Remember nothing is free for the regular working citizens. The Politicians and Big Business continue to take our taxes and gives them to whoever they decide. (The already very wealthy and foreign countries). WHY?
Then read up on what your local politician is really doing. What legislation they have or haven’t backed. The heck with their party. Vote for the best person. Have you every realized like the current House Speaker and our so-call White House leader entered congress as a common citizen with very little wealth and now their all millionaires after serving as elected people in general. There are exceptions to this rule, aka Trump to name one, but the most came with nothing in hand but have enriched themselves at every Americans expense. I was taught that the founding fathers intention was that a citizen was elected for a couple of years and then returned back to there source, not to become a lifetime career thief sucking at the government trough. And, unfortunately, a vast majority of American have come to believe that everything is free. I can only speak for myself, but I was taught to work, that there’s no free lunch. So, all of you brothers and sisters in arms, get with the program. Vote. Vote smart. Vote for the best person. The hell with their color, etc. Collin Powell would, I think, been a great Commander-in-Chief and I’m classified as white. Tell me, how in the heck did citizens of the United States of America become African-American, Spanish-American, an not just plain American?
The one you named is still taking your money legally and you are giving it willingly
They are taking it illegally and yet, still giving it willingly
It happen over a long period of time as the American people were slowly conned and now the general belief is the government is our ruler. How many know that we the people can assemble a convention of states and remove the politicians. Not have to wait till election time. How many people know that the United States is a company, not a government? We are operating under the I corporates United States.
America was originally formed under the united States of America, not the United States. Notice the capitalization. The lower case united represents the States as a unity. The capital United represents a name/title for the incorporated United States.
Americans needs to be educated and stop being sheeple.
You are so right Al. Ever since Ronald Reagan took office and his trickle-down economics, the country has gone downhill when it comes to the working class. There is no longer a true middle class anymore. Yet the voters keep electing the same politicians back into office over and over again. Wake up folks, it doesn’t matter what political organization they belong to, if they are doing their job get rid of them. The Republican senators a whole haven’t done anything in the past 13 years to earn their salaries. What have they passed to help this country? They have blocked or attempted to block everything. Wake up folks, this sitting senate is only looking out for themselves and no one else.
Rudyard Kipling wrote in his poem “Tommy”, as the named character was a veteran…
And it’s Tommy this and Tommy that and Tommy shut the door
but it’s “Savior of our Country “
When the guns begin to roar.
Nothing is changed. We are only useful when war is on the horizon. The average citizen, like CONgress thinks the Veteran is not worth it.
Currently the Illinois Senator who is a DAV was in charge (no. 2) of the VA and did nothing. When first asked for something from the VA I was called a racist without knowing anything about me. She screwed up the VA and went on to run the Illinois VA which she screwed up. Good luck.
I don’t think any service member who was a soldier should have to pay the student loan office any interest at all we should have only had to pay the loan dollar for dollar that would have been fair considering the fact most of us pulled horrific shifts for very low pay I think I didn’t even make 1000. A month yet I was working 80 plus hours a week tell that to the people in congress who become millionaires on our dime!!
I am also a retired veteran who is in the process of purchasing a home, I just found out that V.A. appraisal are way under most others and make it nearly impossible for you to be approved for the amount of the home, because it is almost always Apraised way below the listing price. I have lost so far 3 home I was interested in. As much as they claim to help or want to help veterans, once they do all the verification of your income then the appraisal should not detour them from helping a veteran. Many of us has served in combat not knowing what the outcome was, what if we went into that the same they try and say what we could afford and the numbers are starring you right in your face.
Missouri is now all Republican except for the St Louis and Kansas City representatives. I try to avoid the news and especially Congress. These folks do not even know what it means to stand by your oath to the Constitution. There are a few prior military politicians who have not forgotten their oath. But until we have term limits, I think the political system will remain as inept and corrupt, like the Roman Senate, before Caesar was murdered. His adopted nephew, Augustus, killed off all his rivals and turned the Senate into his own neutered puppy.
My spouse is a Viet Nam era Marine vet. He worked on jets and the ordnance for them, He did have “Mickey Mouse” ear protectors which did not really protect his ears. When left the Corps he received no info on VA benefits except to go to the nearest VA facility to have them finish treating a pleural fusion (collapsed lung from pneumonia 3 months earlier). Now he has developed hearing loss and requested help with hearing aids 3 years ago. He has had 11 hearing tests which agree that the hearing loss was due to his work under the jet engines but only in one ear!!!!
What I have noticed with the different generations there have been many changes regarding what VA benefits are available upon discharge. The Viet Nam era vets received little to no info. Our son is retiring next year from the Corps after 20+ years. He has had to attend “classes” on what benefits are available and sign up for them no so that they start as soon as he retires. He has several medical problems that will be covered but my spouse cannot get benefits for hearing loss. He is still dealing with the VA and the saying “Delay, delay, deny, deny until they die” seems like that will be our lot.
In my opinion, the Viet Nam era vets are still being treated as an embarrassment to the rest of the country and nobody wants to step up to help.
Thanks for listening,
I served in the USAF , 1955 t0 1964. The last 6 yrs of my enlistment was spent working in a launch bay for surface to surface guided missiles, often working next to a jet engine running at 100%. No ear protection. I spent 16 years losing my hearing. Went deaf in my left ear in 2010 and deaf in my right ear in 2015. The VA continues to make excuses for denying me disability. The major claims from the military overall is hearing loss so the VA knows all about hearing loss. I have heard many stories from Veterans about the problems with the VA. Something needs to change. All you Veterans need to contact your Congressperson and complain.
I think that if the government can give educations to illegal immigrants, before they give it to veterans is as bad as abortions and killing babies. When are the people going to wake up and understand, people hate what our government is doing. They haven’t taken the citizens of this country into concern over what they are putting into their pocket books. They are getting more money from our overseas enemies than they do from the citizens, they are selling out our country. This is Republicans and Democrats, not all Republicans though, only about twenty of them. The Democrats sold our country out to the Chinese Communist Party, Starting with Clinton, followed by Bush’s and Obama’s and now Biden’s. This is why we have empty shelves in our stores, the cost of living has quadrupled in the last year under Fake president Biden. He sold us out just like the five presidents before Trump and the people are to blind in their hate to see the truth.
How do these government “servants” acquire office? By the vote of the people, so STOP electing them
I remember as I was taught in school that the government would take care of every veteran no matter what the problem was. Now they won’t even abused take care of the veterans from any war. It’s time for term limits on everyone in the house and senate. If we don’t like what they do them out you go. And term limits are not to be abused. 6 years is all you get. No more of 20,30,or 40 years in government. It is about to change this is the only way to change things. Get out and vote
I felt cheated by the VA when they didn’t inform me that my education benefits was running out and kept promising the school that they would pay then with one semester to go I couldn’t complete my degree as I owed and didn’t have the funds to do the last semester. Until that $15K balance is paid I can’t finish the degree I worked so hard to accomplish.
“Impact” is NOT a more elegant word for “affect”. They have quite different meanings that are not in accord with the ubiquitous, erroneous, present day usage of the word “impact’.
Always trust your government!
A deal with the Government always ends in, we didn’t make you any promises!
In 1948 we were promised Health Care for Life! So much for that!
Government Officials at all levels of Government have only one interest. Their own interest!
My question is if the Post 9/11 GI Bill is also affected by this. Or is this across the board? Maybe someone commented on this above. If someone did, I missed it.
Finally, recognition of service, great, most other countries have recognized military service for years whether you were a lifer or not.
I guess I lucked out with va benefits. I appreciate all the support and care I have received through the VA. US Navy 1954/1963
One rule change that would greatly improve vets chances to receive a home loan is that the a guarantee a loan for vets who are purchasing a mobile manufactured home on leased land( ie. A mobile home park). I understand the complications that are presented with my proposal but many people today cannot afford a stick built home nor the money to purchase land on which to place a mobile home. In many areas of the country, zoning laws will not permit mobile homes on single lots. We need help in securing loans at reasonable interest rates .
How our government feels about our military and veterans can be found in the food that we, as veterans, were fed while on active duty. The meat that is served is grade ‘for, meaning it cannot be sold in grocery stores. The only other population in America to be served this grade of meat is our prison population. This information is either not known or simply not cared about.
Our government sees all of it’s military as deserving little better than our prisoners. What a sad sentiment.
Sorry. Spell correct changed words.
Should say grade ‘f’.