Home Depot recently announced that all U.S. veterans and their spouses will now be able to use their everyday military discount.
Previously the discount was only available to military retirees, their dependents, and active-duty service members.
Home Depot did open the discount to veterans on certain holidays in the past, but now veterans can use it everyday.
In their press release the retailer also stated that the 10% military discount will now be available for online purchases, in addition to shopping in-store.
Here’s the statement from Home Depot on the expansion of the discount:
The Home Depot has enhanced its military discount benefit to include all U.S. veterans, active service members and spouses every day, reaffirming the company’s commitment to serving the U.S. military community nationwide.
U.S. veterans, active service members and spouses who pre-register for the benefit via The Home Depot app will receive a 10 percent discount on their purchases in stores and online. Registering through the customer app not only expands the discount to online purchases beyond the stores’ aisles, but also makes it faster and easier for customers to check out when utilizing the discount benefit.
“We’re proud to expand this Military Discount Benefit for families who have sacrificed so much for our country,” said Ted Decker, president and COO of The Home Depot. “From our product discount to The Home Depot Foundation’s commitment to veteran causes, our dedication to our servicemen and women has never been stronger.”
If you would like to take advantage of the discount, it is important that you first create an account with Home Depot and verify your military status.
There is a $400 maximum annual discount put in place by Home Depot, and it can be used on eligible purchases everyday throughout the year.
So saying select items mean you can’t get the discount on all items you sell example you can’t get discounts on lumber or another example I found depends on store manager and location what you can get discount on. But you go to Lowes and anything you buy you get there discount.
I quit shopping at Home Depot long ago! Not only are the A-holes to veterans on their discounts they are also A-holes to the truck drivers bringing their stuff to them!, They will not load or unload until your appointment time and if you are more than 15 minutes late they make you wait until the next day, when you are paid cents per mile it screws the driver and his family because he lost almost 24 hours that he could have been driving at least half of! If you bust butt and get their product to them early they still make you wait until the appointment time which was always what happened to me!
Home Depot just changed their rules in military discount starting January 1, 2022. So next time you go there, check your receipt.
The reason l stopped shopping ar Home Depot was no military discount. Now Lowe’s gets all my bussiness
Have to agree with that. HD has lost 10’s of 1K’s that we spent at Lowes’s over the past several years.
I don’t remember having to show documentation to Lowe’s that I am a vet of WW11 like HD asks.
I told them I was a vet and my phone number and that was it! Peroid!!! Maybe I did show my VA indentification card. Maybe?
I don’t think there’s any guy who is small enough will say hes a vet if he’s not.
You are fooling yourself!
I know they have lost out on over 10,000 dollars I’ve spent at Lowes over the last 5 years also! Because of both, Home Depot screwing vets on discounts and Home Depot screwing the truck drivers bringing their products to them over on delivery window times! They do the same exact thing to drivers hauling freight for Wal Mart as well!
Yep, no more shopping at Home Depot. Lowes as of January 1, 2022.
I agree, Home depot in my local store stopped giving our vets a 10% discount in December of 2021. The new program they announced will only give up to a maximum of $500 per year. Lowes has no limit and is getting my business.
Lowes for me too, Home Depot just wasn’t giving the same discount on ALL their products. So I am one vet that changed over to Lowes
Depends on store manager. as they set the policy. The Las Vegas store only honors discounts on certain days and not mail orders, whereas the South Hill, VA store discounts 365. Home Depot recently changed its policy to honor all orders but limits discount to $400.00 annually. Plus Lowes has Military parking in front. No comparison.!
To have your veterans statis on your driver’s license is not easy to do, and the DMV is very strict about documents used to verify, for instance the DD214 is not enough to add status to driver’s license, so there should be no problem using driver’s license to verify veterans status anywhere.
At Lowes on Veterans Day and Memorial Day and the 4th of July Day, We vets get to stack both our employees and our Vet discount. That’s 20%!
Bought parts for my johndeer ride at home Depot check out girl rang total I showed her my VA card she approved it then her supervisor came over asked what the parts for I said johndeer mower she Johndeer don’t oner the discount her American made mover and I couldn’t get discount I stopped going to home Depot
Install a easy link to sign up. Cannot find !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You tell your Lowe’s you can’t seem to get to the link and fill out he inormation, they will help you right therein the store. I you do get registered they link all your purchases together and store the information. Like if you run out a paint color andyou don’t remember the name of the color that is in the system and make sure you get the sme color. When you check-out all you have to do is give them your Phone number and it is in the system so they will give the discount. If you don’t want them to have all the information you can just show your ID card and they will give you the discount.
Home Depot lost my business years ago because of horrible customer service from their floor associates. I only shop at Lowes and they don’t have a cap on the amount of annual discount. I I’ll travel if the local Lowes does have what I need before I go back into a Home Depot.
Where is the app to apply for Home Depot military discount??? I have looked all over and it is not jumping out at me! Homer “ABE” S. Sewell III in Jasper, GA
Due to the Home Depot change effectuve January 1, 2022 I will no longer shop there. The things I buy are all the things that Home Depot no longer gives a discount on. Lumber, building materils, large appliances. And there are other things they no longer allow you to use the military discount on. They have lost my business.
Home Depot is 5 minutes away, so I go there first. I always get my vet discount by showing my retired ID card. The nearest Lowes is 20 minutes away (40 + minutes round trip), so I don’t usually go there. It seems that both stores are not we’ll stocked, so I have also used my local mom & pop hardware store more often.
i stopped shopping there a long time ago because they don’t like vets lowes gets all my business they have discounts and parking up front for us vets they are helpfull when asked a question they will take you right to where the thing is at in the store for you to find so yes i just wish lowes had more bulk stuff like screws and things like that.
I’m a contractor and spend about $10,000 a year at Home Depot. I went to Home Depot first because I could go through the self checkout line use my phone number get the discount and out the door. I tried to set up an account and the web site would not let me, I have account already So yesterday I went to customer service and they were just not interested in helping me. Today I’m going to return about $50.00 of items I bought and re-buy them from Lowes
I will only buy from The Home Depot when I have to Lowes will be my first stop from now on.
Home Depot doesn’t give a military discount on lumber and a lot of other products as well. Lowe’s military discount is for all products including lumber. Go figure, no math involved.
The only thing that is Really bad about depot is that this is geared to the young one’s because I do not have a Smart phone so I don’t get the discount, have tried several times, someone said get a smart phone and you will get the discount. ( So spend $1200.00 dollars and I will get four hundred dollars off in your store) Where did they go to school? Make depot get it right. for all military not just the young ones!!!!!!!. Lowes gives all discount to military just give your phone number and get your discount, how can they do it and the other store can not?