A new act signed into law gives all veterans and Gold Star families free lifetime access to National Parks.
The act was part of the defense authorization bill which was signed into law recently.
“When you take your oath, if you go into the service, to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, you really are protecting the homeland,” stated the National Park Service’s new director Chuck Sams. “I think this is a great recognition of that responsibility you took on to serve your nation.”
Back in 2020, the Department of Interior announced that veterans and Gold Star families would get free access to national parks and other public lands, but the new law makes it permanent.
Many popular destinations, such as the Grand Canyon National Park and Yellowstone National Park, can now be visited by veterans for no cost.
In order to use the benefit veterans will need to present a form of valid identification, which may include:
- DoD ID card
- Veteran Health Identification card
- Veteran ID card
- State-issued card displaying veteran status
Are widows of retired veterans who have permanent status with indefinite valid ID eligible?
I”ve shopped at Walmart for 11 Years. I asked if there is a discont for unmarried spouses
of Veterans….The answer is NO,No discounts for Military or Unmarried spouses.
Sa Antonio is a military city. Why Not?
Walmart does not give us any discounts.Shame on them.
Are widows of retired military who have indefinite status and valid ID eligible?
Im not interested, too many , forms of id , i dont want any of that
You only need one of the id’s not all of them.😊
I was turn down by the veteran affairs because my credit is not good in I own less then $10.000 in debt. So I don’t Qualify for a apartment or a home at all.. then what good is the homeland. Certificate for for a veteran.. if that veteran is definitely denied a home .. then I wish I could of denied the military serves to even shouldn’joined the military.. if that what I was expecting a very big let down for many veterans that can’t even effort a apartment not only a home.. I thank this sucks.. in and my case a bunch of bull some were.. in the veteran affairs.. government.. in all involved with the veteran affairs in so on.. need take it in conservative action to help homeless veterans . They would not be so homeless if they were to use their houseing vocher… Good luck with all the paperwork.. out side housing agency’s. Crap.. red take
Why don’t the government in which we as veterans had worked so hard to protect this country make it there protocol to help more veteran get the benefits they deserve? .the would not be so many veterans homeless in homeless shelters.instead of there own home… It’s a shame on this countries leadership.. protocol.. responsibility…. To make sure no veteran should be left behind.. the government would spend millions of dollars to support the homeless veteran program.. to institute a program so many veterans don’t even know there elgabilty for a home …. Many are definitely denied because of bad credit all so to much paperwork in hassle with private reality agency’s…in witch makes to even harder to perchese a home…..most veteran’s or living in homeless shelters ….how’s that for government serves? No body should fight for the nations security in. Fight for there life to save that country …to protect it’s national sercuity should not be fogetton in to aid them like they had aided the country to save the government in the people.should not be left behind.(.Carlton murray)(army
Yes I agree. I served in viet nam in 68 and 69 and couldn’t get my medical till 2013 and only because Dianne for storm helped me. Now been working on a disability and keep getting denied. No body wants to help.
Go to the DAV (Disabled American Vets) organization. They will help! That’s how I got my husband’s disability when he died from a cancer caused by Agent Orange.
You need a stellar attorney skilled in the ways of VA. Allsup in my humble view is the best nationally…98% of all disability claims approved. Don’t know if the handle vets.
Go to Veterans Guardian and give them a call to discuss your case. These people are the real deal and get results. They helped me after denials and others. You can read their reviews on Google for more comments. I can’t list their website here as I think the US usmilitary website blocked it last time. The website is vetsguardian with the standard dot com at the end. Or you can Google “Veterans Guardian” and they are one of the first to pop up in results. I highly encourage you to give them a call and I can’t speak highly enough about them. Best wishes!
I have been fighting the military for an overturn in my discharge. I file and file. still nothing. While in the army I had gotten a hysterectomy. All was fine before the Army.
I send the same paperwork in. The President signed new bills. Not sure they can help me.;
yes that is correct Veterans Guardian are the best. They help me with my claim
I agree 100% it is a dam shame, when a man or woman gives all and the country turns its back on them. My husband served 20 years, and so F….Ed up in the head, I cannot even live in the same home with him. He gets no real help. . It truly makes me so Sad to see what is done to the young men and women who do so much and give so much sometimes all. It is just so WRONG. (Homefront first? What every happen to that? Good luck lady’s and gents, if I had a billion dollars I would take care of them all . Have mercy on the ones in charge
If you have at least 560 credit score, call Secure Lending, ask for Vicky Cartright, she can do it.
Are you a Medal of Honor recipient? Navy Cross? Silver Star? Anything? 100% disability? You aren’t owed anything freeloader! You are pitiful! Man up and take care of yourself!
I’m 100% disabled veteran but I’m working fulltime and not needing any housing assistance from anyone. I would like to say that your comment talking about freeloaders is just simply shameful to hear someone say that about veterans you know nothing about. For you just to make a blanket statement like that just shows your ignorance. I’m ashamed of being a 25 year active duty veteran for having to be associated with a person like you. Go to hell you asshole..
I wonder if that SOB has any children. I would love to see them in the military. And GOD forbid that something happened to one of them and all of this that we go thur heath and a roof over our heads would he change his mind
Why do you have to be a Medal of honor recipient or 100 disable (which I am a 100% permanent and total disabled?) That should have absolutely nothing to do with anything. If you served and got an honorable discharge from the military then you are eligible for benefits from our government. I am 25 years retired military and 100 percent disabled and I am not a piece of **** coward like you are. I bet when the bullets are flying at you you get on your belly and cry like a baby and poop your pants. so shut up about being a freeloader, I bet you are a liberal, Joe Biden, Barak Obama loving Democrat who is part of t
he problem and not the solution.
Shameful for you to call vets freeloaders you stupid f*””
I disagree, Obama, Biden, and democrats are the ones that do so much in helping people including veterans.
Eat crap you unpatriotic jerk. How dare you call a Disabled Veteran or any veteran a freeloader.
First off Phillip I’m 100% Combat disabled and I served proudly in the U.S. Army for 19 years before Vietnam which cut my time in service but was given a 100% disability retirement. Free loader I think not. I’m a full time rancher and I do it with out others help. So NO not all of us fit into your category mold..
You should use your educaron benefits to learn how to write.
The Government rather help the illegals and drug dealers and prostitutes before they help a veteran. It’s upsetting that a US ARMY Reservists can’t qualify for a home loan but a Lazy ass person gets food stamps, welfare and low income housing. No respect at all. this is discrimination to the veterans of this Country. Doesn’t matter white, black, brown or yellow, we all bleed Red and represent the Red White & Blue
Where do we present our ID in order to claim the document giving us free entry to the National Parks?
I never have received a discount or ECT please e mail me where I can get it I am 90 year old disabled veteran Korean war thank you for responding Robert mccray Idaho
at the gate when you get there
I have the America The Beautiful, senior pass. Is it still good for free entrance?
In the past I have received a veterans discount from stores/companies by providing a copy of my discharge papers. How do I get one of the cards mentioned in this article as I would love togo to a national park free. John Mccally, [email protected]
one, depends on the state, Texas for example has fantastic Veteran Programs. Two, you can also obtain a Vet card from the VA, as well as Veteran organizations such as VFW, DAV, etc, etc.
Go to the nearest VA facility.
In some states, the Division of Motor Vehicles will give a Veterans ID card when you present your discharge papers.
Can you also fish these parks free of charge. Obeying catch limits on all species, but that would be a great benefit
Do you have a list of all the National Park that will follow that law. How about state beaches
i would like this, free pass to parks card
I am a widow of permanently disabled Vet.
Has since died in 2017. ..
If I qualify can they send papers to me for qualification? Or where do I get them?
77 yo widow wife.
Ft. Campbell is nearest to me. I shop there when I can….
Thanks for your response.
Sincerely, Lois Sowders
The best thing to do is find a DAV office, Go in and talk to one of the consultants, they will help you with getting the paper work fill out and submitted.
I proudly served as a Chaplain in the Army during Vietnam . Can I bring my grandkids in with me under this new bill?
IS there any place online where we can apply for the Lifetime Access Passes?
Is this open to all veterans who have served and honorably discharged??
THANK YOU VERY MUCH! A Cold War Veteran 🇺🇸
You can also go to: https://store.usgs.gov/recreational-passes and register to get the Pass (there are several, including the Military Pass)
Are widows of 100% disabled vets entitled as well
Assuming you still have your dependent ID from the military base you used to frequent, that should be adequate. A copy of your husbands DD214 discharge orders, would be a good insurance to get acknowledged as a spouse of a (Now) diseased Veteran. I read this new veterans benefit enactment as a benefit to immediate spouse and children until you die yourself. Based on your noted age, I would say grown children and their families would not be given free admission. They would need to show their own veteran status to qualify.
Hey John, you can get a card from the VA
Tiffany Spence, father DAV 100%
I have Cancer how can I receive an id to go on near by Base, to help him out like shopping, heath care, aid and attendance.
I registered and received a VA ID card in Decatur Ga office 20 years ago, I am 80
years old and have misplaced this card. Would you please send me a duplicate
so I can go the Natl Parks., I served in Vietnam through 1966. I now live in Jasper Ga in the mts at 64 Buckeye Ct 20896
Jasper, Ga 30143.
Thank you.
William S. Sabom
This is great information for veterans and the spouse of disabled veterans who are deceased. Thank you for supplying such information, so the veterans, and the spouses of disabled veterans can enjoy their God blessed lives, after their long battle in caring for their loved ones, and the ones that still have their live ones can enjoy nature as long as they can. May God Bless all that care.
Good to see evidence of concern for military service men and women who are Active, Reserves, and/or honorably Discharged.
I served in the U.S. Army working for Pentagon Operations Company, Fort Myer, VA as an Administrative Specialist. Those were some of the best years of my life experiences to date. I was able to meet so many wonderful people all of whom served with courage and honor.
I have kept ID cards for myself and my two sons Craig and JaMond in addition to my DD214.
Trying to apply for spousal and child benefit because of my ex husband died and don’t know how to go by doing so disability said my daughter couldn’t get his disability because he never applied so I really don’t know what to do she’s still in school help please.
This is all good however I can’t get an ID card. I served 1980 to 1986 and have been denied a military ID. The secured several homes which I’ve not default on yet I can’t get an ID card. Go fish!!!
My Husband , honarably discharged from the Army after 21 and one half years, was getting 100% disability from Agent Orange with complications, prostate cancer, tube inserted in stomach to urinate, . As a point where we had to go for an update hearing, female interviewer could not speak good English next thing we knew we received a letter that he had been reduced to 60% disability. He passed away Feb.12,2015 from sepsis and other conditions connected to his previous condition, My question is I don’t know who to contact or if I have waited too long to see what % I am receiving and if it is too late to re-open his case as I am receiving a VA disability ck. on him??I now have Cancer and was told that I did not qualify for Aid and Dependence?? I need help in finding a VA representative that may be able to help me. I live in Ky. not far from Ft.. Campbell.
National-park-pass for veterans what all need
My State ID states “veteran” and a star, is my driver’s license as noted, sufficient?
My best to all veterans, and I hope you get the services you need. There is a certain way to going about getting services and you need to check with organizations like VFW, DAV, American Legion or your State Veteran Representative. Good Luck